live 03/05/2007 Roma @ traffic, ingr. 5€
Sì, per le foto ho usato quella tecnica esoterica del 'microfono davanti la bocca' sul soggetto. E' una specialità difficile, ci vogliono anni di [...]
03/05/2007 13:58:41
Be Invisible Now!
Neutrino(5tx cd, 40'10" - Boring Machines 'o7)
Music signals from outer space, kosmic sound rain, minimal audio regeneration, - call it as You want, - Be Invisible Now! is total analog music [...]
03/05/2007 11:54:53
photomerge deluxe
What's crazy and mind-blowing with Palla's
photography, from Osaka, Japan, it's the stunning as well perfect
photomerge/juxtapostion technic, sort [...]
03/05/2007 11:42:50