Alison on cloudless when They were playing Jewel.. jim on cloudless mark before he crashed his gtr.. jim.. jim.. manu rossali at the end of cloudless paul smith

Queste Foto sono state scattate al loro concerto del 26 maggio 1997, al Frontiera, Roma, per il Population 4 tour.. Sicuramente ce n'è un bootleg in giro, Xchè ricordo bene che una ragazza con i capelli lunghi biondi proprio davanti a me lo stava registrando con il suo bel walkman...

Pictures taken from Population 4 tour, in Rome, 26th may '97, at Frontiera... Surely there's a bootleg of it around, - i remember of a young blond haired girl who was recording it just in front of me by her walkman...where are U??!!

all photos by pao mice/komakino

Trx list: non ricordavo esattamente la scaletta, così l'ho trovata su couldn't exactly remember it, so i found it on, and i guess it's right. Then: cloudless -> rêverie -> to be -> jewel -> can't get free -> breeze -> let go -> on top of the -> world -> shining road -> angel bell -> far away -> adrift; -> encore one -> tangled up -> paris and rome -> lilies; -> encore two -> adoration-> starblood [con Mark che distrugge la Sua chitarra.. / with Mark destroying his gtr, wow...]


Sul # zero e poi sul #5 di komakino, solo su versione cartacea, è apparsa una loro monografia...

On komakino #0 & #5, there's been a bio about the Band..


Alison Shaw - vcls, bass, gtr

Jim Shaw - gtr, drms (on starblood)

Mark Francombe - gtr

Manu Ros - drms            

+ Paul Smith - bs/keyb 

 Other good links:

Alison, tape trading & chocolate.... Fons36' - Alison, tape trading & chocolate.... This little star shines!!  starblood site.. a great homepage overfocusing on Cranes.. great!


komakino in italiano
komakino in english


Page born in july '99
Last uPdated 31/12/00

bio on komakino fanzine # o & 5