29-Sep-2005 1:03 PM - [1] Kilo of Black Bondage - Fear the Windows (9tx cd + video, 46'o9'' - Wallace/Ronda rec 'o5) - I was looking at the cover art of this CD, and i just wondered if the thinny shadow painted on it, who eyes me behind a bottle, is a portrait of William Burroughs or not.. even because atmospheres on this tracks remind me of some musical excurses He had in past, - and french [1] Kilo of Black Bondage have that morbid charm of story-tellers, a poetical underground spoken word style, enriched with a carpet of sounds, swinging between dirty hip-hop (Murder CBP), techno (Moglobis), jazz-ish moods (Earth multi hop whistlers), and ambient-rock dear to some Godspeed You! Black Empereor (- the use of some voices, like coming out from an airplanes black-box or a old tv). - Is this the perfect sound-track for an ideal beat-generation romance?, - actually, the last track, Too Broken, uses some text of Charles Bukowski (ok, i know He's at borderlines of what BeatGeneration is), and while You are listening these melodies, You feel like You should light a cigarette, or hide the head with hands.. desperation is behind the corner, so beware of windows.. they might tempt You.. [see below for mp3] // [1] Kilo of Black Bondage - Fear the Windows (9tx cd + video, 46'o9'' - Wallace/Ronda rec 'o5) - Stavo dando un'occhiata alla cover art di questo CD, e mi stavo giusto chiedendo se l'ombra magra rappresentataci sopra, che mi spia da dietro il vetro di una bottiglia vuota, sia o no un ritratto di William Burroughs.. anche perchè le atmosfere su queste tracce mi ricordano alcuni Suoi excursus musicali.. e i francesi [1] Kilo of Black Bondage hanno quel nonsoche di charm macabro da raccontastorie, un poetico spoken-word underground, arricchito da un tappeto di suoni che fa altalena tra l'hip hop sporco (Murder CBP), la techno (Moglobis), umori +ttosto jazzati (Earth multi hop whistlers), e l'ambient rock caro a certi Godspeed You! Black Empereor (- come anche l'uso di alcune voci, che sembrano prese da scatole nere di aereoplani o vecchie tv). - E' forse una perfetta colonna sonora per un ideale romanzo beat-generation? - a ciò si aggiunga poi che l'ultima traccia, Too Broken, usa dei testi di Charles Bukowski (ok, lo so che Bukowski è appena ai confini di quello che la BeatGeneration vuole), e mentre ascolti queste melodie, Ti senti come se dovessi accenderTi una sigaretta, o nascondere la testa tra le mani.. la disperazione è dietro l'angolo.. quindi attenzione alle finestre, potrebbero tentarVi..
-› mp3s (via Wallace)
2. Muhlet
28-Sep-2005 3:18 PM - This is odd, this is crazy, this is business, it's Simpson-ish, or more than it. A real life size replica Simpson House was built somewhere in Richmond, America (wherelse if not there?), - clickhere for details .
28-Sep-2005 1:08 PM - Calla - Collisions (11tx cd - 41'23'' - Beggars Banquet 'o5) - Happy first debut on Beggars Banquet rec for american Calla, - never quite rock, but this time with some more noisy melodramatical tunes to sign the difference (listen Swagger), even if always swinging between the sad and the psychedelic gloomy face of pop. It stays the colours of former Televise (Arena rock 'o3), and that refers to CD cover-arts as well as to the profound emotions of Their special songwriting (the Morricone-styled guitar melodies), like on Play Dead and This Better Go As Planned, able to envelop a delicate resignation-core indie pop, sung through melacholic whispers. Pulverized is, for excellence, the track of tinny drumming, of desperation, of hauting, while So Far So What traces the prints of a MBV influence (Cigarette in Your Bed, You Made Me Realize), exploding and crying into the Realm of Beauty.
video (via Beggars):
.It Dawned On Me (hi, lo)
stream-listen here.
28-Sep-2005 9:22 AM - Oh well, i had already downloaded (when it was leaked) and watched like a month ago or so the (Family Guy Presents) Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story, and i really digged it, absolutely maniacal and hilarious, senza pietà! Amazing (my fav' scene: Stewie in hell). And now, it's officially out. - I experienced the different between original english dialogues and italian dubbing, - and voices are somewhat different (like, Lois Griffin' one, in italy She talks so gently and upper-class), - then i'm waiting for the italian release, for buying.
27-Sep-2005 1:12 PM - And i forgot: last night, or that one before, i cant remember, i downloaded and watched The Carnival of Souls, - You can get it too for free at Archive.org; audio is not fantastic, but video quality works fine. - it's a must-see classic horror psychic movie, made on a low-budget in '62, by Herk Harvey: warmly suggested, - especially if You find Yourself alone in a cold stormy night,- so that You can best enjoy the haunted story, the silence of the reflected reality, as well as the creepy organ theme (score by Gene Moore). - I Love this film because its amateurish nature gives it a touch of true reality, notwithstanding is a nightmare. - Let me know if You watch it and You glad it.
September 27, 2005 1:02 PM - I just come from watching the video of new song Great Waves that Dirty Three and Chan Marshall (aka Cat Power) play together. Nice song, nice video.
23-Sep-2005 5:53 PM - Fake or not, that turned me sad (and yes, i know that right in this moment more than a million people is escaping Rita's rage..)
22-Sep-2005 4:58 PM - While this is fucking brilliant and mind-blowing. - File under graphic design, illustration, motion, plush toys, pictures. - From France, Lille, Olivier Cramm. Talented indeed.
22-Sep-2005 2:55 PM - MiSentoAlieno. Forse dovrei titolarla così una perenne rubrica. Ma è sparare alla crocerossa. Cmq, ieri notte, verso l'una a.m., tornato dal cinema dopo aver visto Il Castello Errante di Howl, del geniale Hayao Miyazaki, quindi ancora mezzo rapito dal magico sognante della visione avuta in questione, prima di mettermi sottocoperta, faccio lo sbaglio che accendo la tv e mi bastano 30 secondi per sentirmi male, avere il vomito, provare un brivido, e incazzarmi ancora una volta rinnovando il mio odio con questo paese di italioti e il resto dell'umanità di scimmie parlanti. Tre motivi: 1. scopro che cristina figliadipapà/bonton parodi è tornata a condurre un tg (e questo è verissimo); 2. vedo il finale del nuovo (? pare sia del '99) video di jenniferlopez e la scopro cantare in spagnolo una cover, tale No me amas: remember aleandro baldi? 3. al che fammi vedere che vomita mtvitalia, ed hopplà: pimp my wheels, conducono: il meglio del peggio ridicolo stucchevole dello pseudo-hiphop italiano, i gemelli diversi, yo.yoh!. // Just a couple of regrets You can cross with as You switched on tv in italy. Nevermind.
22-Sep-2005 1:25 PM - Noname mag: Interesting and charming indeed, sometimes crude, swinging between illustration and photography, with highly brilliant collaborators. - For this issue, the mag says: through my habits i see myself clearer. Worth more than a visit, considering that each issue is kind of a jewel..
21-Sep-2005 5:29 PM - This smiling granpa is Bob Moog, yeah, that Moog, - and i didn't know that last 21st agoust He passed away.. ok, i also ignored He was a real Person. BTW, in memory, Moogie Wonderland mp3 (via ThePin-Up), Stereolab's rare bside from Ping Pong 7". // Questo sorridente vecchietto è Bob Moog, già, quel Moog, - e non sapevo che lo scorso 21 agosto fosse morto.. ok, ne ignoravo anche l'esistenza se è x questo.. cmq.. in Memoria, Moogie Wonderland mp3 (via ThePin-Up), rara bside degli Stereolab da Ping Pong 7".
20-Sep-2005 5:14 PM - Unsane - Blood Run (13tx cd, Relapse rec 'o5) - Uno dei Gruppi che mi ha fatto vedere la luce, per la precisione con la raccolta Singles 89-92 (matador rec '92), e il pezzo My Right, una fuoco noise che brucia perenne, e ogni volta che lo riascolto mi fa venire la pelle d'oca sul grido inziale e la chitarra distorta che esplode e fa nepal a pioggia su tutto. - Poi l'esser stato sotto il palco qualche anno a Roma al Frontiera (esiste ancora?) quando suonarono dal vivo, e il batterista Vincent Signorelli ai miei occhi di cerbiatto non potè non regalarmi il rullante che aveva picchiato duro tutta la notte. - Poi qlc anno fa la notizia che il chitarrista/anima/voce degli Unsane, Chris Spencer (fratello del + noto John, dei Pussy Galore e BluesExplosion e Boss Hog, etc) era stato picchiato a sangue da quattro anti-americani testedicazzo (permettetemi la licenza poetica) viennesi (mai beccati dalla polizia) con relativa degenza ospedaliera, quindi tutti i dubbi sulla possibilità di continuare e la parentesi Cutthroats 9. Insomma, scrivo col cuore in mano la recensio x il ritorno, dopo 7 anni, con Blood Run. E gli Unsane sono un Gruppo di persone che non hanno una vita oltre gli Unsane, - è una pura passione, una pura inclinazione. Ci vuole coraggio, follia e solitudine, e si può intuire probabile già da questo perchè le Loro tracce suonino tanto incazzate. Dopo anni spesi a bruciare sull'ara sacra del Noise (densi rumori cari a primi Sonic Youth, Distorted Pony Scratch Acid..) con la voce mangiata dal mix e microfono in distorsione, probabile andare in tour con Slayer e Biohazard ha contribuito a concentrare la linea principale di questo album su una durezza prevalentemente metal, una maggiore profondità dei toni del basso e dei chitarroni, che richiamano il fasto del rancido esclusivamente su un paio di tracce (Make Them Prey, Latch, D Train) buttando tutto il resto nel viscerale, nel brutale decapitando (ok, questa era facile vista una vecchia copertina..) l'ascoltatore. Difficile ricordarsi esattamente il riff di un singolo pezzo, perchè gli Unsane continuano a perservare nelle varianti minime della formula che giocano e rigiocano da oramai un paio di album, senza portarsi al picco del memorabile, ma tenendo cmq tutto spaventosamente d'effetto. (vedi sotto per qualche mp3) //
20-Sep-2005 5:14 PM - Unsane - Blood Run (13tx cd, Relapse rec 'o5) - I was 15yrs old when i saw the Light thanks to that Unsane album covering Singles 89-92 (matador rec '92), - and especially listening over and over to My Right, a pure cathartic fire of Noise, everlasting burning, with a first scream and a distorted solo-guitar able to give me shivers at each play, forever. Pure Shining. Then, some years ago the news of vocalist/guitarist Chris Spencer (brother of more famous John, from Pussy Galore and BluesExplosion and Boss Hog, etc) beaten up by four anti-american dickheads (sorry for my french) in Vienna (and never caught by the police), left half-dead, and then the brief parenthesis with Cutthroats 9. Well, after 7 years since the past record, here They are again: rude, in anger, lost, with passion - and there is not a "normal" daily-life besides the Unsane-thing for these guys: there is a hundred-dates tour and then a recording-session for a new album. Then, touring again. So, You can easily understand why these Tracks are so hopelessly Violent. - After years spent into burning guitars under the holy sun of Noise Music (kinda dense mayem control dear to early Sonic Youth, Distorted Pony Scratch Acid..), probably going on tour with gentlemen like Slayer and Biohazard contributed to focus latest song-writing around a postmetal start-point, a different harshness, with deeper bass-lines and heavy guitars, picking up past memories of earlier experimental rancid style exclusively on a couple of tracks (Make Them Prey, Latch, D Train), drifting all the rest into the visceral, the brutal, head-chopping (ok, this is a refer to an old cover-art) the listener, left destablized. I mean, it's not easy to distinguish the track of each individual song, because Unsane keep on going on circle through the slight variations of Their well known formula since already a couple of albums, without touching the top of memorable, - but it stays that playbacking this album is like a bomb blowing out.
-› mp3s (via Relapse rec)
2. Release
-› samples from Occupational Hazard album (via Piccadilly rec):
. committed
. over me
20-Sep-2005 10:28 AM - If You love t-shirts (who doesnt?), Defunker hosts several brilliant unknown designers. Some of my favors: this, this, and this. checkout, prices are not all that bad, and They are also disposable for considering new works.
19-Sep-2005 1:23 PM - Hell Demonio - Greatest Hits (7tx cd, 15'47'' - Wallace rec. 'o5) - Insieme alle Agatha (vedi recensio 23-Jul-2005 3:19 PM) gli Hell Demonio sembrano meglio rappresentare i barbari in casa Wallace (e poi qualche data se la sono fatta pure insieme, immagino che bella bolgia..), sotto l'egida rock&roll del grind-core e del noise. Il titolo dell'album è ironico, essendo questa la prima Loro uscita ufficiale (curata sapientemente al mixer da Fabio Magistrali), spartana pubblicazione con info niente (nemmeno un foglio, solo la confezione + cd) e demenziali lo sono anche alcuni titoli (Ass of Base, Reagans n' Roses). Sparando veloci e rancidi sviluppando il meno confortevole sostenibile, caro a Jesus Lizard e Unsane, creano un'adrenalina malata, su ritmiche violente hardcore (hell demonio vs punk funk) e secchi assoli di chitarra elettrica, con la voce perennemente mangiata da una rabbia delirante. Il tutto con egregio risultato, - ed era ora, in italia. [vedi sotto x un paio di mp3] // Hell Demonio - Greatest Hits (7tx cd, 15'47'' - Wallace rec. 'o5) - Together with grrls of Agatha (see past review of 23-Jul-2005 3:19 PM) the Hell Demonio best represent the barbarian-thing in home Wallace rec (They also had some gigs together downhere), under the rock&roll flag of grind-core and noise Music. The album title is a joke, seen this is the first release They come out with (wisely cared by Fabio Magistrali), in a spartan lay-out and no info (no CD-sleeve, just the jewel case + disc), with a couple of hyronic titles too (Ass of Base, Reagans n' Roses). - Shooting fast like a rancid machine-gun, in the less unconfortable way, dearest to Jesus Lizard and Unsane, They are able to create a sicken adrenalin on violent hard-core rythmic patterns (hell demonio vs punk funk) and dry electric guitar solo, with male vocals everlasting eaten by a delirious rage. And everything in a perfect go - and can You believe that? - They're from italy.
-› mp3s (via homepage):
1. Metal Maximizer
2. The Beamy Nihilistic Sword
16-Sep-2005 5:06 PM - Right now i'm listening to these three japanoiser/creatures called My Way My Love: totally distortedMayem-inspired, young and crazy kids from Tokyo.. like, watch the video - funny indeed.. oh wild dudes! Interesting Noisewriting, clashing Sonic Youth with The Stooges.
-› mp3s:
. captain
. black butterfly
16-Sep-2005 3:55 PM - Seen today i wrote below somethingrelatedwith Jesus&Co.. - this is pretty funny: church sign generator.
16-Sep-2005 - Jesus Licks - The Band You Can't Avoid (6tx cd, 16'38'' Self-prod./Norman Rec) - Taste like 6os twee folk, lovely matching fragile female vocals with low-lights Music, built on pianola, banjo, guitar, cello and shy minimal percussions.
Moods turn funny on poppy Harr Barbie and miaowing of Cat Song, - alternating with the sweetness and prayers of Accidently Murdered You and I'll Kill You too. - Remember me of best things of Sarah rec's Artists, as well as The Softies. (see below for free mp3s) // Jesus Licks - The Band You Can't Avoid (6tx cd, 16'38'' Self-prod./Norman Rec) - Hanno un gusto retrò anni 6o da folk modello twee, che amorevolmente lega la voce fragile di una Ragazza a della Musica dalle luci basse, costruita su pianola, banjo, chitarra, violoncello e percussioni timide minimali. Gli umori diventano divertenti invece sulla poppesca (pesca pop?) Harr Barbie e sui miaooo di Cat Song, - alternandosi con la dolcezza e le preghiere di Accidently Murdered You e I'll Kill You too. - Mi ricordano delle migliori cose in casa Sarah rec, come anche dei Softies.
-› mp3s (via website)
1. biting machine
3. cat song
4. as i am a bandit
5. accidently murdered You
6. i'll kill You too
16-Sep-2005 10:14 AM - This is a new morning hard to handle with, when even eyes conjure from staying open and so, i'd need some Good Music to cradle my head and soul.. then, - it's time for catty-like female voices and wake-up_cold sounds of Mùm's Summer Make Good.. and, if You have a go with Tyoogle, it's easy to cross onto this page.. featuring albums from latest QOTSA to the above mentioned Mum.. usual suggestion: buy the album, if You love the Band. - ps. I really LOVE the design Mùm adopted for Their website.
15-Sep-2005 5:38 PM - Surfing the net randomly, i crossed into an inspired artist i didn't know, - Edith Frost (under DragCity rec), in a page featuring a whole free-to-download Demos album, - right now perfectly matching with my early evening needs of softness, quiet, calm-down and honey-like female whispers.. suggestions: Who, Dreamers.. - Well, a talented Artist unknown to me, but it's interesting to read what mp3.com has to say about Her bio and collaborations.
15-Sep-2005 3:39 PM - If You, like me, often prefer more zapping between commercials than shitty tv programming, well, You'll find pretty nice this 'Boards: a wide archieve of most notable creative productions..
15-Sep-2005 12:39 PM - Time for browsing photography, this time at Balconyjump.
09-Sep-2005 1:56 PM - Japaneses are total crazy.. Godzilla eggs.. (the bombs are nice too..).. ps. of course i would buy it!
09-Sep-2005 12:59 PM - Antigirl has got some new fancy lithographs to sell, check it out.
06-Sep-2005 4:19 PM - —› [concerti] un bell'aggiornamento di date oggi.. controllate e mano al calendario..
06-Sep-2005 3:29 PM - To Kill a Dead Man was a short movie and sound score from an original idea by Portishead, theme also featured in Sour Times (Nobody Loves Me) ep. - Now You can watch/download here (87,2mb). - I really dig it, such so noir-ish, spy-movie like, spectral b/w, criptic, melancholic..
06-Sep-2005 2:52 PM - Agoust was killing me, but i got Oxygen through:
¢. shannon wright - dyed in the wheel
¢.¢. calla - collisions
¢.¢.¢. broadcast - haha sound + tender buttons
¢.¢.¢.¢. devics - distant radio
¢.¢.¢.¢.¢. goldfrapp - supernature
¢.¢.¢.¢.¢.¢. vincent gallo - when
¢.¢.¢.¢.¢.¢.¢. autolux - future perfect
06-Sep-2005 9:44 AM - This seems to be a great fansite for the Interpol, featuring mp3s of Turn On the Bright Lights japan bonus tracks, rarities, videos, and usual things of a tribute page.
06-Sep-2005 9:44 AM - I'm back. Norway (or at least Oslo and arounds) is fantastic. Pics coming soon.
-> -> -> It was agoust, and time runs faster than You.