30-Nov-2006 4:26 PM - Seen that i came back home at 3am from JB's show, i need one day before my brain can face the whole work of thumb->large images and review.. in the meanwhile, rocknroll, save my day too, gorilla!
30-Nov-2006 11:39 AM - Littlebrown and Pentolino - Ziu Zau (11tx cd, 34'o2" - mad cap collective / fromscratch 'o6) - Non son proprio sicuro (ok che basta leggere..), ma magari farò errata corrige.. Due ragazzi affetti da omonimia (entrambi all'anagrafe Paolo Moretti) fulminati da cotanto segno del fato, finiscono in uno split di 5 canzoni a testa, + una insieme registrata al telefono. Mentre Littlebrown è un gracido folksinger del lo-fi che si alza la mattina facendo colazione con la chitarra improvvisando la canzone del giorno (Wake Up), spettinato e alcolizzato, Pentolino gioca sul lato indie + ricercato, più attento alla strumentazione, con percussioni minimali e suoni morbidi, intimista per quanto ironico (o fulminato cantando testi di incontri con aragoste spaziali - Space Lobsters). Making a Mess poi ha una bella partitura per come è articolata. I due potrebbero tranquillamente dividere il palco, in una notte in tema di no-sense pop e folk rancido. [vedi sotto per mp3] // Littlebrown and Pentolino - Ziu Zau (11tx cd, 34'o2" - mad cap collective / fromscratch 'o6 ) - I'm not very sure about what i'm writing here, anyway two italian guys, homonym, signed by such so mark of Fate, are here on a split cd, with 5 songs each, and one together recorded during a phonecall (!). While Littlebrown is a croaking lo-fi folk singer, embracing the guitar as He wakes up so to improvise the day song (Wake Up), uncombed and on alchool, Pentolino plays a more elegant role, focusing more over the instruments, with minimal percussions and soft sounds, inmost even if ironic, or - better - struck, seen He sings of Space Lobsters. - Making a Mess is also a track with a good song-writing, as it's composed with attention. - These two one-man bands might easily share the stage, in a night of Music dedicated to no-sense pop and rancid folk.
.o3. Littlebrown - Wake Up
.1o. Pentolino - Making a Mess
30-Nov-2006 10:43 AM - The Fuzztones - Illegitimate Spawn (21+21tx, 2cd, - Sin rec 'o6). What can i say? This double album tribute to the Fuzztones, produced by The Fuzztones, is absolutely a worldwide (from Perù to Australia) declaration of ghoulish love: 42 Bands playing Fuzztones covers, to celebrate 25year anniversary of 'the' underground living(dead!) legend. Featuring special guests as Jayne County (funny, the song changes from You Tarzan Me Jane in Me Tarzan You Jane), as well The Morlochs (feat. two ex Fuzztones), - i particular enjoyed The Misteriosos' version of She's Wicked as well The Fuzz Faces, Staggers (totally 60s!) and Strange Flowers, - but it's even too easy to appreciate these tracks, enriched with primitive and fuzzed up psychedelia, rude garage, guitars on acid and kooky organ circles. - The perfect soundtrack for a creepy underground horror movie, psychotic and even mystic (hear Mad Juana's exotic mantra with Idol Chatter), a mission of love, - and The Fuzztones' children seem to be all fine. - The double cd package also include a 28 pages booklet and artwork by mr. Fuzz Rudi Protudi. [read also komakino interview with Rudi and Lana]
30-Nov-2006 10:06 AM - When i was in Sydney last March, i saw on tv a brilliant short movie called Uninverso [read former komapost], by brasilian director Marcos DeBrito, - so i've been more than happy when i got an email from Him yesterday (hey!). He also let me know of another short film done for fun, entitled Fabiozilla, absolutely hilarious and weird, made it in one day for a Film Festival He was invited to. - So, in the meanwhile the next more official release OD - Digital Overdose has to come (recently finished, He told) - enjoy at Youtube this funny story of bad boy Fabio, the man who got bigger as He acted more evil. - funny indeed.
29-Nov-2006 5:04 PM - I want this scarf.
29-Nov-2006 3:25 PM - Safety first! - Interesting catalogue of japan condom package design here.. somewhat crazy.. And, let's go west.. more, at Tiny Flowers there is a nice gallery of brilliant vintage packages from usa (also on sell!), - my favs: #, #, #, # (fantastic!) - nothing to see with nowadays shit.
29-Nov-2006 2:12 PM - i never been a fan of The Beatles.. how can i explain the reason why? No particual reasons, - simply as it is, - i never felt involved with Their songs, - and i don't even have an mp3 of Their songs stored somewhere on my mac.. anyway, this website features an interesting rétroprospective focusing on the savage early years of paul, george and john, from 1950 to 1963.. and it's funny to see how things changed, especially considering they looked like teddy boys in leather jackets, like fallen out from Grease.. The audio excerpts of early recordings are worthy a visit, too.
28-Nov-2006 3:27 PM - It's about 4, 5 months (?) i'm inloved with the Pony Up! - lucky found at myspace [read former komareview].. maybe between Mary Timony's top 8? something like that. Well, here You are a video from a radio showcase performed during latest Australian tour.. unplugged version of An Honest Mistake, originally by the Bravery. - Sounds perfect, although it doesn't render perfectly Their pop charm.. that's WHY You have to watch Them performing the HIT The Truth About Cats And Dogs (Is That They Die)! yes, i already said i'm in loved. - ps. They're REALLY young!
28-Nov-2006 10:48 AM - I love Emily Haines (and Metric too, of course), and now i found these hi-re photos, from publicity agency Big Hassle, - i'm happy. And do not miss the press kit.. Emily is def. a star, and more than a indie femme fatale. - End of Emily's fan club post. - Photos are by canadian Candace Meyer, that drove me to Her website, - pretty patiné stuff, although very qualitative, great works.. Our Hell is a good Life..
28-Nov-2006 10:20 AM - Knotan is swedish and He has got a fcking good taste for photography and stunning snapshots, - His portraits of Music icons have a kind of vintage effect (from the Strokes to the Hives) as well.. hmm bullshits, it was just an excuse to say i simply love these photos.. enjoy the view..
28-Nov-2006 9:57 AM - In case You, like me, being firmly decided in never reading movies synopsis so to not ruin the pure 'suprise effect' - then You crossed into Requiem for a Dream (ok, i knew it was going to be a sort of punk movie.. but i'd never thought it could be so painful to watch..), - well, director Darren Aronofsky released a new opus entitled The Fountain.. besides watching trailer and teaser, i also enjoyed the experience (just click over the related voice).. pretty catchy interactive area..
28-Nov-2006 9:53 AM - Do You think Your website is cool.. probably not as Heiwa Alpha, although it takes ages to load.
28-Nov-2006 9:43 AM - Sono ancora vivo e con una discreta pila di cd da recensire.. vergogna su di me.. Idem per le email.. chiedo venia, perdonatemi, chiedo indulgenza.. ma la vita è dura, e la giornata di 24h corte.
23-Nov-2006 4:16 PM - Ho appena letto su la repubblica della multa fatta a italia1 per aver trasmesso i Griffin, accusati di turpiloquio.. multa di 25mila €.. e poi in complessivo 625mila euro per altre infrazioni di retequattro e sempre italia1, tra cui per quel gioiellino di vera informazione quale il tgcom (maperfavore). Ma accusare i Griffin di torpiloquio equivale quasi a dire che non si deve fare satira sul papa.. Certo non è un cartoon per i più piccini, chissà anzi se un ragazzino se li guarda i Griffin poi, - ma almeno è meno ipocrita e a imbecille-induzione del 90% dei vari qualcosaMon giapponesi. E poi sarei curioso di sapere quale sarebbe stato questo turpiloquio, visto che in genere giocano sui doppi sensi. - Ah, ieri sera, cercando di diventare ipocondriaco guardandomi dottor House, ho notato due tre volte uno spot nuovo, - diverso.. la prima volta in verità nemmeno l'avevo inquadrato
.. era della durex, ma non era dei preservativi.. era di un'altra cosa.. all'inizio mi sembrava un anello.. poi l'illuminazione ma non si mette al dito! Lo spot (in inglese però) qui. Uno + esplicativo qui (con tanto di dimostrazione). Insomma, 'new vibrations', come fosse di moda, e non da sexyshop. Ma chi penserà ai bambini? Mi immagino una mamma che ha appena finito, con difficoltà, di spiegare al bimbo sfortunato che con lei si guardava poco prima l'ultimo episodio di dott. house perchè a quel paziente fosse scoppiato prima un occhio e poi un testicolo.. quindi poi 'mamma, perchè non ti fai regalare quell'anello da papà?'
23-Nov-2006 12:43 PM - My Way My Love, live in rome @ traffic club, 21 nov 2006, - opening: Six Orange Mushrooms + Deadly O., - ingr. 4€
Non mi andava di mancare l'appuntamento. Non l'avevo mancato lo scorso anno (vedi passato live report), e quindi volentieri volevo andare a vedere/sentire i My Way My Love di nuovo, speciale trio japanoise tra Brainiac, Sonic Youth, - e soprattutto volevo prendermi il nuovo album (preso!), Nothing Is Difficult To Those Who Have The Will, che praticamente sembrava l'invito per affrontare il varco della porta di casa: pioveva, ombrello rotto, ero senza scooter, il trenino ffss ha ritardato mezzora, diversi amici mi avevano dato buca, in casa tutte erano in pantofole, ma non potevo usarle come pretesti per ridurmi a vedere le iene in tv. Insomma, bisogna uscire, o si fa solo lavoro -> casa, casa -> lavoro, con variante supermercato. E certo, il sito dell'atac (per i non addetti, sarebbero i mezzi pubblici capitolini) non prometteva nulla di buono come soluzione per tornare a casa.. quindi eventualmente, lunga passeggiata notturna per rientrare.. i'm singin' in the rain.. Fortuntamente poi l'ho svangata con un passaggio a casa ;-) thanks Cri. - Arrivo al traffic, nuovamente con un buon afflusso di gente (sarà perchè la birra piccola sta a 2,50€? episodio raro a roma, si sarà sparsa la voce), e i Deadly O. hanno appena suonato gli ultimi 10 sec del Loro show: a giudicare da un paio di gentiluomini che bestemmiavano, pare mi sia perso qualcosa.. erano in due, chitarra e batteria. Prossima volta.. Six Orange Mushrooms: carini, ma un bel pò cliché nelle cariche meta-stoner.. i pezzi rischiavano di esser tutti simili, ma avevano diversi scambi esplosivi niente male che nelle cariche strappavano per forza applausi. Mentre suonano vedo un ragazzo che si mette seduto ai piè del palco e comincia a disegnare i loro ritratti.. diosanto che popolo d'artisti.. Devo dire che mi stanno sulle palle tutti quelli che fumano dentro il locale nonostante non si possa.. menefreghismo, pseudo-anticonformismo, astinenza, quello che volete, comq a fine serata puzzavo di fumo. E io non fumo. Ricordo lo scorso anno che Qualcuno scherzando disse a Yukio dei My Way My Love che non poteva fumare dentro il locale, - Yukio ci rimase malissimo nemmeno avesse offeso padrepio a qualche comare, - poi gli dicemmo di stare tranquillo, perchè se gran parte del pubblico stava fumando, allora perchè no, poteva farlo anche lui. Ma Lui è giapponese, è straniero, è scusato. Voi invece Vi odio tutti e dovete morire. Non perchè si infrange un legge, ma perchè non c'è ventilazione là dentro, il posto è angusto, e io non fumo. Il concerto: i My Way My Love erano facilmente riconoscibili tra il pubblico, specie il batterista, Takeshi, con quel caschetto biondo naturale; - scambio, anzi, tento di parlare con Lui, ma oltre a capirci sui cd nel banchetto, niet, - mi verrà poi confermato che l'unico che parla un pò di inglese è giusto Yukio. Quindi trovo Lui, e come lo ricordavo è sempre una persona molto amichevole, gran sorriso, pieno di spillette, pure sulle scarpe, - era molto contento di suonare di nuovo in italia. Poi lui e il bassista Dai portano sul palco due cassette strapiene di effetti (e pupazzetti), pedali e bigmuff collegati + volte tra di loro in un circuito di noise rancido che ben presto poi comincia ad uscire dagli ampli, dopo una breve presentazione di Yukio (we are from tokio..). Il set vede otto pezzi, aprono con una intro spaziale e poi con Sports, dal precedente Hypnotic suggestion: 01, per poi passare subito a quattro pezzi del nuovo album, da cui l'ottima Kill Your Idol, supersonica e trascinante mentre Yukio si piega sulla vintage jazzmaster scalcinata, facendola vibrare con la chiave, strozzandola dentro buchi di distorsione e rumoristica. The Rainbow Song e Flake sono invece le pause da love-song, un noise pop sporco in cui Yukio piazza loop e labirinti di saturazione. - Il suo viso scompare facilmente sotto i capelli neri mentre balla, salta e si piega, - mi aspettavo che da un momento all'altro saltasse sopra il pubblico, - ma a roma il pubblico indie non poga, no, non c'è niente da fare.. salvo essere di fronte ai Mudhoney, metallari o cheneso, al massimo muovono il piedino o ballano, - ma sono troppo spocchiosi per muoversi.. Nati stanchi. Finito l'ultimo pezzo, Captain, praticamente un cavallo di battaglia, Yukio pare quasi intento a distruggere la chitarra, ma si frena. Saluta tutti, il concerto è finito, ma io e qualche altro cristo gli chiediamo un bis, - i My Way My Love non sarebbero tornati sul palco, erano troppo timidi, ma appena ripresi gli strumenti sparano una mitragliata finale da lasciare a bocca aperta, poi Yukio si lancia contro la batteria. - Finito il concerto lo saluto di nuovo, e Yukio mi dice che per luglio del prossimo anno torneranno per suonare a qualche festiva estivo, - ottimo. Non perdeteveli +.. e non fumate.
22-Nov-2006 2:40 AM - MY WAY MY LOVE, roma, qlc ora fa.. (preview, vari filmati cut&paste di 30 secondi, 66mb, mov.. segue recensio quando mi riprendo..)
21-Nov-2006 12:08 PM - Father Murphy / Lorenzo Fragiacomo - When Ground Figures Bless in Black Tutus (3+3tx ep, 2o'o4" - Madcap Collective / Luckydog rec 'o6) - Split di tantrica psichedelia (Father Murphy) e delizia pop d'oltremanica (Lorenzo Fragiacomo), in un bel digipack con doppia copertina in sottosopra stile Edward Gorey (oh yes, ho colto la citazione ^_^). I Father Murphy giocano il ruolo indie esoterico dello split, a doppia voce Lui/Lei, voci gracide, con percussioni al limite del minimale, visionari e ululanti alla luna (la bella We know who our enemies are), organo stile hammond e chitarra dalle corde molli. So Long è un gioiellino. Lorenzo Fragiacomo cerca (e trova) invece la perfezione della melodia pop, dell'easy listening, ma senza scendere a compromessi commerciali: Walking on the moon potrebbe tranquillamente diventare una hit, e fare un pò di fortuna, Jester's Day sembra presa da Burt Bacharach o dal collettivo nordico Cafe2001, con alla voce ospite Francesca Luzzi, già Arab Sheep. [vedi sotto x mp3] // Father Murphy / Lorenzo Fragiacomo - When Ground Figures Bless in Black Tutus (3+3tx ep, 2o'o4" - Madcap Collective / Luckydog rec 'o6) - Split cd of tantric psychedelia (Father Murphy) and brit-pop style delight (Lorenzo Fragiacomo), shaped in a beautiful digipack with double cover, upsidedown, Edward Gorey-ish (oh yeah, i see the reference ^_^). Father Murphy play the esoteric indie role of this ep, - two voices, almost croaking, Boy/Girl, percussions at limit of minimal, visionary and howling to the moon (We know who our enemies are sounds excellent), keyboard in hammond style, and guitars with loose strings. So Long is a little opus. On the other side, Lorenzo Fragiacomo looks (and finds) for the perfectionism of pop melody, of easy listening, but without commercial compromises: Walking on the moon may easily becoming a hit, and making some luck, - while Jester's Day looks like stolen at Burt Bacharach or coming from northern collective Cafe2001, with special guest Francesca Luzzi, of Arab Sheep, sweet singing a duet.
.2. We know who our enemies are (Father Murphy)
.4. Walking on the moon (Lorenzo Fragiacomo)
21-Nov-2006 11:28 AM - Al linux club di roma, in v. libetta 15, questo weekend 24/25 c'è l'outlet Lomo! Sembra un msg pubblicitario detto così.. hmmm no, non lo è, ma se le lomo costano poco, me ne compro altre ;-) .. quindi al linux non sono fissati solo con linux..
20-Nov-2006 3:18 PM - I LOVE when an idea is so simple and such so brilliant at the same time.. greetings to Michael Hughes! He replaces monuments and buildings with related Souvenirs.. be sure i'm going to do the same photos on my next holidays!
20-Nov-2006 9:48 AM - Blessed Child Opera - Happy Ark (11tx cd, 55'40" - Delta Italiana / CNI rec 'o6) - Gruppo forma mentis di Paolo Messere al terzo capitolo, già precedentemente attivo con Ulan Bator, il disco Happy Ark è pregno di matrice romantica britannica benchè nostrano: riflessivo, sognante, e ridondante di poetica, - scelte coraggiose di romanticismo (e originali visto il contesto nazionale di provenienza) per alcuni passi accostabili a Verve, Tindersticks, per le partiture eleganti, ricercate e narrative. It's Possible Something, come le trombe di Humiliating Whine, tocca nelle digressioni strumentali sicuramente le note più estatiche della catarsi dell'album, ottimamente prodotto nei suoni e controllato. - Personalmente trovo la falla di questi 55 minuti di poesia e ascetismo tra ballad pop e slowcore proprio nella difficoltà di non uscirne con un pezzo più veloce che segni la differenza in tutta questa coltre di malinconia: - è un bel disco, ma l'intero ascolto risulta stucchevole nella linearità del suo pathos. // Blessed Child Opera - Happy Ark (11tx cd, 55'40" - CNI rec 'o6) - Blessed Child Opera is Paolo Messere's forma mentis (previously with Ulan Bator), at its third chapter, - Happy Ark is rich of a british romantic print notwithstanding it's from italy: reflective, dreamy, and flowery poetry, - courageous choices of romanticism (and unorthodox, seen They're from italy), for some movements close to The Verve, Tindersticks, - because of its elegant songwriting, fancy and narrative. It's Possible Something, as well the trumpets on Humiliating Whine, touches for sure in its instrumental digressions the more innermost ecstatic catharsis of the whole album, fairly good produced with sounds and well balanced. Personally i see the vice of these 55minutes of poetry and ascetic between ballad pop and slowcore music just in the lack of a quicker track, able to sign the difference in all this blanket of melancholy: - it's a good release, but the whole listen turns cloying in its one-dimensional pathos.
15-Nov-2006 4:52 PM - the making of this advert took place in Glasgow in july 2006, by Jonhatan Glazer (probably You remember his video for Unkle's Rabbit in Your Headlights).. we can firmly say it's something explosive.. - the sad fact that all this blow-up thing has due to a new sony tv commercial doesn't change its amazing effect and dreamy idea.. i read it took 5 days and 60 people for the cleaning up.. and in case You're asking, the paint wasn't toxic.
15-Nov-2006 3:06 PM - Kong! by James Jessop performed an interesting exibithion out-there somewhere (that means that i don't have la più pallida idea e non mi interessa nemmeno) with some beautiful old school panels, featuring scary classics of b-rated films, in an explosion of colours. I'D LOVE to have one of them in my room.. anyone wants to buy one for me? thanks. PS. the murales are ok too.
15-Nov-2006 2:57 PM - If You're not new with DeviantArt, probably You already crossed into hundred of good drawings and/or digital illustrations.. this is the time for Jae Liu, painting this beautiful Child Lora'n Kika. lovely style.
14-Nov-2006 3:34 PM - hyppo birthday Sten! dirty is dirty, but 30 is 30. (my poem to You). Alternative headline: Cosa succede ad un uomo che dorme poco quando gli dicono di studiare un documento scritto in tedesco (con la pretesa che poi uno capisca anche???)...
14-Nov-2006 12:30 PM - APPELLO AI GRUPPI, ETICHETTE e ASCOLTATORI. Sono piuttosto stanco di vedere che su last.fm per il 90% dei dischi di Gruppi italiani che mi ascolto io non esce fuori nemmeno una foto, o che quando inserisco su itunes un cd il CDDB non mi riconosce nemmeno il nome del Gruppo.. eccheccazzo, dateVi una smossa, cominciate a sfruttare i mezzi e fate girare la voce! non ci vuole niente a caricare una foto o a scrivere i titoli delle canzoni e fare 'invia nomi tracce cd'! insomma, oltre il voyuerismo à la myspace.. facciamo luce su questo indie..
14-Nov-2006 9:32 AM - Beatrice Antolini - Big Saloon (13tx cd, 34'47" - mad cap collective / silly boy ent. rec 'o6) - Ritrovarmi fra le mani un disco come questo mi emoziona, perchè abbassa drasticamente il livello di mediocrità dell'indie nazionale, tanto è fresco, ispirato, geniale, accattivante e di ottima produzione. Non per niente c'è lo zampino di Marco Fasolo dei Jennifer Gentle [vedi su komakino recensioni e interviste..], che arricchisce la folle psichedelia pop di questo disco (senti Hi! Goodbye!, - ritornello memorabile - Beatrice è Jennifer), - disco che Vi lascia stupefatti nelle Sue scelte e naturalezza. E' come assistere in un teatrino ad un bagno lisergico di cucchiaini danzanti in sincro con Beatrice Antolini, cantante, pianista e su altri diversi strumenti, con talento e divertimento. Un misto gustoso di zucchero a velo jazz (Michael Night), tappeti di suoni ricercati per sporcare la perfezione twee-pop raggiunta, schegge psichiche anni 60 (senti il finale di Monster Munch). Brother's bone mi fa pensare a The Gentle Waves tanto è godibile, - Turtle and Peach in Love invece a quanto piacerebbe a Kazu Makino dei Blonde Redhead visto il melancolico giro Gainsbourg-iano. Riule Ule, Applebug and His Doll, come l'iniziale Bread and Puppets sono delle gemme, e credo che insieme a Denise (di The Bid), Beatrice sia una delle Artiste più rare in bellezza dell'indie no_strano, - e soprattutto, Big Saloon è un album debutto completo, un bel pezzo d'Arte sonora. - Il disco esce il 24 novembre, si può acquistare anche tramite paypal dal sito della mad cap. [vedi sotto x mp3] // Beatrice Antolini - Big Saloon (13tx cd, 34'47" - mad cap collective / silly boy ent. rec 'o6) - An album like this gives me hope that the italian indie scene can be brilliant and original as well, such this record is fresh, inspired, bright, catchy and well produced. Not for nothing, but there's also Marco Fasolo of Jennifer Gentle [read koma reviews and interviews] playing some instruments here, making this psychedelic pop opus even more precious (listen to Hi! Goodbye!, great chorus, - Beatrice isd Jennifer). An album that surprises with its choices and naturalness. It's like You were in a small theatre, enjoying a lysergic bath of dancing spoons, moving in syncro with Beatrice Antolini, sweet singer, piano player (even at other instruments), with talent and fun. A tasty mix of jazz icing sugar (Michael Night), sounds carpets well researched to stain the reached twee-pop perfection, - psychic splinters of 60s (hear the final part of Monster Munch). Brother's bone makes me think of The Gentle Waves, such it is groovy, and Turtle and Peach in Love makes me wonder how much Kazu Makino of Blonde Redhead could dig it, seen its Gainsbourg-ian melancholy riff. Riule Ule, Applebug and His Doll, as well the opening Bread and Puppets are gems, and i think that together with Denise (of The Bid), Beatrice is one the rare female music beings worth to be called Artist in local indie no-scene, - and last but not least, Big Saloon is a debut album complete, a perfect piece of sound Art. - Release due to november 24th, paypal-able at mad cap collective rec.
.o1. Bread and Puppets (2,4mb)
08-Nov-2006 12:40 PM - I Drink To Me (leggi vecchia komarecensio) hanno un video! Parte del cortometraggio Gocce, by J. Zenone, molto carino. Il video dico. Il pezzo è Devil and Her. Aggiungo che Scout Niblett ha un pezzo che si chiama Drink To Me, magari Loro dovrebbero farne una chiamata Scout Niblett.. non sono un genio?
08-Nov-2006 12:10 PM - su kacaweb musica c'è il video Tura Satana delle Sorelle Kraus (leggi komarecensio qui): andate e votate (cliccate su pag2)! Io l'ho fatto, e mi sento bene. Il video paga tributo a Russ Meyer.
08-Nov-2006 9:58 AM - A Polite Winter is an impressive art project shared by James Jean and Kenichi Hoshine, from NY and LA, - featuring a portofolio entitled A Conversation (at moment with 46 illustrations), a collection of pure high inspiration and style, mixed with crude poetry and melancholy. The two Artists well merge Their works, like two twins.
06-Nov-2006 11:07 PM - interview with Jessica Bailiff.
If You ask me if i can suggest You an Artist lost into guitar noise research, concerned as a mean for an inner research, my answer would probably be Jessica Bailiff, from Toledo, OH - usa. Her solo project, as well as the several collaborations still in act (Northern Song Dynasty, Clear Horizon, Eau Claire), are mere opus of psychic soundscapes, free (slow) fall into esperimental multilayered sounds of bliss-out realm enchanted with gentle vocals, until to reach Her latest turn into some more pastoral surreal plan where the shoegaze fuzz lays under the surface of acoustic instruments (read past komareview for Her latest release Feels Like Home). So, She's going to tour europe, and then italy, and then Rome, right this month.. an interview is a must..
komakino: Let me say something original (i'm ironic): when i listen to Your Music i fall like hypnotized. - ok, just an excuse to say how Your songs, - often more merely 'Your sounds' (with reference to songs like How Our Perception of Distance Is Changed With Each Passing Hour), - have these pure day-dreaming style spirals, sometimes concentric or multilayered through a slow tempo, strongly evocative and melancolically holy (Disappear, Mary), - it's like floating into it.. never felt the need to write a kind of rousing song? something pop and fast? Are You always in this magic bath of sounds?
Jessica: Magic bath of sounds...I like it! It's as though I cast spells with music. I've been trying to write pop songs all along. Feels Like Home (the new album) is probably the closest I've come to doing it. One thing that probably pushes me into the direction I've been going in is that I don't usually use drums. I love drums, but I don't have my own and I live in an apartment, where I currently record my music. The neighbors would certainly not appreciate the drums! The singing is probably bad enough.
komakino: To someone who never heard any of Your records, what song would You like he/she started with, and why?
Jessica: Maybe Lakeside Blues because it represents a little of where I've been and a little of where I'm going.
lakeside blues (video@youtube)
komakino: You're always been very prolific in song-writing, both as soloist than with side-projects (Clear Horizon, Northern Song Dinasty, Eau Claire..), can You define Your idea of 'inspiration'? do You have any guide line, like the continuous sound research, or the reach of the emotional touch through the Music.. i mean, what does still drive You into the Music?
Jessica: Quite honestly, a good night's sleep and not having to work the next morning is completely inspiring (both are rare events in my life). Knowing I have no obligations to anyone, a morning where I can just get out of bed, make some tea, and wander into the studio - this is what makes me want to create. The best research is listening to music, really. What really drives me to keep making music is that feeling of being lost in it while making something, or the challenge of putting all the pieces together to get a satisfying recording. Also, friends keep me going, especially those also in music. Sometimes it takes working on someone else's project to get me back into doing my own. It might seem that I'm prolific, but the things I've done (the discography) spans about 8 years. There has been a lot of down time in there, several months where nothing has happened.
komakino: Your new album is one more time released through Kranky rec, re-confirmed as a kind of alternative house for You, - anyway i guess that 'feels like home' has other references, - any hint?
Jessica: Feels Like Home is a part of the lyrics from the song, "We Were Once". It's actually about feeling lost in life, going from complete happiness to complete emptiness and not knowing where to go from there, wanting to find "home."
komakino: In this new album acoustic guitar and piano stolen the first place to the buzzing or ethereal distortions of early albums, and even the vocals have more space than before: has it just happened, a casuality (a snapshot of private moments), or You needed to prove You can stand out on your own? The Jessica Bailiff in Even In Silence (1998) was already the same of Persuasion, Cinq, Spiral Dream **?
**ps. is it russian what i heard in Spiral Dream?
Jessica: Yes, it's Russian you hear in Spiral Dream - a bit of a song performed spontaneously one summer evening by two lovely young women from Moldova; I blended it into my song, it felt like the right thing to do.
The reason I began playing guitar with all the effects is because I couldn't really play the instrument. The effects were kind of a shield, and the vocals were buried under all of it in the first recordings because they weren't very strong. But I began to really like playing guitar this way, using distortion and delay, which is why I delved so deeply into it for a while. I grew up listening to pop songs (then new wave, then punk & goth, then noise, etc), so that was always my ideal - to be able to write songs, with lyrics and all. With each album, the balance of acoustic guitar and electric-noisy-textured guitar has changed, little by little. There is an acoustic part on Even In Silence, at the end of One Red Year, that was actually played by Alan Sparhawk. The next album had two songs, I think, where I played acoustic. The third one had several - at least four, maybe five. And I think four (maybe three) out of eleven tracks on Feels Like Home do not have acoustic guitar on them. I feel it's all been a very natural progression, especially taking into consideration the things that have happened in between (northern song dynasty, clearhorizon, eau claire). The effects are still in there, they are just much more subtle. I'm not claiming that I can really play guitar now, but I'm more comfortable with it. And it's the same with my voice, I'm comfortable with it, I've accepted my flaws and try to work with them rather than letting them cripple me. The whole thing has been one big experiment for me, from the time I became a guitarist for a band without even owning a guitar (let alone knowing how to play one!), up until right now.
komakino: the doll on the cover art is a little bit scary.. like a killer doll with no eyes..
Jessica: She's coming to get you, you'd better not fall asleep tonight!
komakino: ^_^ - Do You listen often to Your Music? Is it a kind of private act or do You open the windows and put up the volume? (do You have neighbours, do they ever complain?)
Jessica: Generally I'll listen to my music for reference only. I'm too critical to be able to enjoy it for its own sake. It's definitely a private act, I'd feel embarrassed if someone caught me listening to my own songs. When preparing to play shows, inevitably I have to pull out one album or another to figure out how to play something. Or when I'm in the middle of a new recording, or when I'm writing some new material, sometimes I'll listen to see where I've been before - I forget sometimes. I'm lucky to have a musician - a jazz singer - below me, she's never complained about any music. She's young and I think she's a bit more understanding about the need to listen to music (or create it) sometimes. We seem to respect each other; I don't mind when she's listening to something, either, and it's lovely, actually, to hear her singing through the floor.
komakino: Once i read You have a sort of day job you work for just a few days a week, so You can better focus on Music, - an hard choice, i know it can't be easy to feed on music, - can i be a little bit intrusive and ask You what kind of job? i often do this question, it's like to try to know more of Clark Kent than Superman..
Jessica: Back then, from the interview you read, it was working in a darkroom. I printed color photographs by hand all day. In 2003, I had to go back to 40-ish hours, five days, same job. But I've found that it's very difficult for me to be on one place for that many hours. I left that job in 2004 to work with a friend who has some rental properties. It's a very unglamourous job. I'm not going to mention details. I've since had to lessen the hours there, as it's usually hard physical labor and lots of toxic chemicals (paint, polyeurethane, various cleaners). My body can't handle it anymore. So I'm at the photo lab again in addition, temporarily - only they closed their darkrooms after I left. What I do now is stand in front of a computer screen and print pictures from people's digital files, mostly. You're right, it's definitely not easy - in fact, it's not an option for me to feed myself through doing music. The two jobs I have now allow me to take time to tour, or to have a more spontaneous schedule, but it's necessary that I find more gainful employment when I return from tour in December.
komakino: if You were shamelessly rich, do You think You would play these same songs, or You do some kind of sh*t as paris hilton, filmed on a beach with a bronzed man singing on a reggae tempo?
Jessica: If I was shamelessly rich, I'd be doing more of the same sh*t I do now, as I'd have the time to do it (I wouldn't have to hold a "day job").
komakino: Have You ever thought to make a soundtrack for a movie? did You ever have any proposal?
Jessica: This is every songwriter/musican's dream. I'd love to do something like that, but I don't think it's as easy as it might seem. It'd be a nice challenge. There was a seven-minute film that I did music for, it's called "For Jonathan" - several bands did a soundtrack for the same film, it was a double-cd released by The Great Vitamin Mystery label.
komakino: during the promotional tour will You perform alone, or You have any guest player?
Jessica: Jesse Edwards from northern song dynasty and red morning chorus will be my right-hand man, and Annelies Monseré (with whom we are touring [read komareview here, ndk]) will join us for some of the songs. Also, I'll be joining her for a few songs during her set.
komakino: uh, i like these kind of things, that You'll join Her and viceversa! And i'm also curious to hear Jesse perfroming live.. how did You meet with Annelies?
Jessica: Annelies was kind enough to help book some shows for the tour I did in Europe in 2002 with Rivulets and dREKKA, I didn't know her previously. She and her significant other, Wim, helped us with many things, from driving directions to housing to meals, not to mention the concerts and radio programmes that were scheduled. She was very shy about her music at this time, but she eventually sent something later on for me to hear. She and Wim came here last July and we played a few shows together. We came to know each other even better during this little tour, and she has become one of my dearest friends. She's very inspiring to me in many ways. Her music is incredibly beautiful, some of the most honest you'll ever hear. And she's one of those people who really pulls a person into her live performances - she has a delicate strength, I don't really know how else to put it. Her songs might be soft, but they are very strong in melody and words.
komakino: have You ever been in italy previously? please, tell me i haven't missed any of Your shows downhere..
Jessica: Yes, I've been to Italy, but on holiday - you didn't miss any shows :-)
komakino: what's the next chapter in Your life in Music? Can You see anything at the horizon? or is it too weak to distinguish anything?
Jessica: It's hard to say, really. There's a few things I'm working on. One day there should be an eau claire full-length release, as well as a second clearhorizon album. Beyond that, who knows. There's always something being written inside myself. But as the need to eat and to keep a roof over my head becomes more apparent, there might be a lot of time before the next solo release.
interview done in september 2006.
04-Nov-2006 9:32 PM - i'm just finishing a blogging.. hilarious youtube-like fake interface for philtube.. daily office life, mixed with modern humour.. enjoy..
04-Nov-2006 8:43 PM - Wendy Lynch knows a lot of cool Music people.. and yes, She's got a precious portfolio of snapshots to let You see.. and the protest photos area is worthy some time to waste.
04-Nov-2006 5:54 PM - Brilliant, bright, victorian Ray Caesar posted some new opus at His website.. don't miss Them.
03-Nov-2006 6:17 PM - currently seppellito dal lavoro.. something similar to the amazing AdVerbatims notes are often subject of phone calls i get.. funny, and this one happened to me too.. #121 - “Please, I need the photos in .ai”
02-Nov-2006 2:49 PM - Felix Baumsteiger's has got hard-to-visit website, - but, hold on, He's got a beautiful photography portfolio, and i found another link collecting most of His works at Ball-Sall, surely easier to browse in. From Belgium, His snapshots are a masterpiece of warm and cold colours, and it looks like watching someone's private memories photobook sometimes, like some lomographies or old instant camera shots.. don't miss these ones: #, #, #, # (i love Her smile), #.
02-Nov-2006 1:54 PM - Barzin - My Life In Rooms (9tx cd, 37'45" - Weewerk/Monotreme rec 'o5-o6) - Posso vantarmi? Faccio gossip e recensione con un colpo solo.. Il precedente s/t di Barzin, quello in digipack giallo (non la versione canadese), l'artwork l'ho curato io, - quando qlc anno fa lavoravo per la ocean-music rec. In origine avevo fatto anche un bel booklet in stile autunno, contenente tutti i testi (sì, io ce li ho, li volete?), tante foglioline e fiori secchi.. insomma c*zzo, ne andavo fiero anche.. oltre allo sbattimento, mio, e alla pazienza del Vono che mi faceva usare il suo pc, - sì, mi piaceva.. Il caro Barzin apprezzò, però decise all'improvviso che preferiva fare qualcosa di anonimo, quindi via i testi, via le pagine, solo confezione e cd
.. poi per ragioni che mi sono oscure il tipo della ocean-music che aveva difficoltà tecniche con photoshop cambiò il font della scritta 'barzin', e riscrisse i credits con un font merdoso all'interno, - e andò in stampa così. L'immagine in copertina è una foto di lui, che ho trasformato phoshoppando.. Ok. Fin. - Quindi Barzin ritorna con un nuovo disco, My Life In Rooms, uscito inizialmente per Weewerk lo scorso anno, e ora ripubblicato in europa da Monotreme. Conferma il Suo amore per l'icona indie nazionale Tamara Williamson (sono stati in tour insieme in europa, Lei di spalla a Lui, e mi si raccontava che spesso lui voleva annullare il suo concerto per far suonare solo Lei..), che timidamente canta in background su Won't You Come, - una perla tra i migliori Mojave 3 e Leonard Cohen, ballata per dondolarsi in un crogiolo di lentezza e dolcezza.. sì, lentezza e dolcezza, cioè i poli del pathos di Barzin, che con questo album, dal titolo stile biografia di una cameriera d'alberghi (o donnina di facili costumi?) colma le lacune del precedente s/t, e tesse 9 tracce di ipnosi e calmante, ottimi per un ritorno a casa a fine giornata, mentre si è in auto, o per quando a casa le luci sono basse e si vuole accendere solo qualche candela - immagine ispiratami da Sometimes the Night, strumentale. Barzin è spiritualità e romanticismo, cuori spezzati e innamorati, tra batterie minimali, talvolta in programming, chitarre melliflue, violino, piano, keyb, corno francese (!), in una produzione di suoni brillanti e caldi, a partire dalla title-track, un dolce accompagnamento per buttarsi a letto, lodare il folk introverso, slowcore country, o come preferite Voi per dire che questo miele di canzoni non Vi stucca ma anzi Vi strega..
- Tre anni fa ha suonato alla fnac di milano, una sola data, - ora ce ne sono tre in vista, controllate l'area concerti, e un vaffa ai locali dell'indie romano che non lo fanno suonare.
ƒ˜mp3s (via label):
.o3. Leaving Time
02-Nov-2006 1:50 PM - i guess it doesn't bring good like saying this thing a couple of time per month.. anyway, i'm still alive.. i'm just buried by work and extra work.
02-Nov-2006 1:42 PM - past month i felt joy and company especially because of:
¬. mahogany - connectivity!
¬.¬. ramones - too tough to die
¬.¬.¬. that noise from the cellar - cani
¬.¬.¬.¬. jessica bailiff - feels like home
¬.¬.¬.¬.¬. broadcast - the future crayon
¬.¬.¬.¬.¬.¬. annelies monseré - helder
¬.¬.¬.¬.¬.¬.¬. emily haines & the soft skeletons - knives don't have your back
¬.¬.¬.¬.¬.¬.¬.¬. the chapman family - **mp3s**