28-Feb-2007 5:58 PM - When i cross into something like that, i sincerely understand i need more free time for my self, to do something different, - kind of something able to let You think too 'when i cross into something like that.. blah blah..'.. anyway, if Rubik drives (or 'driven') You crazy, the following rubikcusbism can only be crazier than that. - abolutely amazing.
28-Feb-2007 4:16 PM - When years ago my sister bought in London this little book entitled
The Gashlycrumb Tinies, featuring an alphabeth of these unlucky children deaths, - i totally fell in loved with Edward Gorey's genius.. - book that now someone has scanned and shared.. as in Gorey's style: sarcasm, poetry, perfect sinister illustrations. Enjoy.
28-Feb-2007 10:57 AM - Gli Slint che vengono in italia.. a bologna (28/05 @ estragon) e a roma (29 maggio @ circolo degli artisti).. sarà il concerto dell'anno a roma? Moriremo tutti? .. il circolo degli artisti scoppierà di gente, come quel giochino degli anni 80 dove dovevi infilare i pupazzetti dentro il palazzo di plastica sino a che esplodeva.. - però ho un brivido.. non è che dopo il concerto degli amati Slint ritornerà quell'ondata di post-ta-rockati che invase roma e dintorni a fine '90 inizio 2000?
27-Feb-2007 1:05 PM - Anne Julie is a brilliant children's book illustrator from Vosges, France, - Her delicious website features a wide portfolio of traditional, digital and modelling, - You're going to see little girls with long pigtails making capers, flying kitties, in a warm watercolours style conform to a dreamy world of sweeties.. the pins are so coooool. [link via friend Sté]
26-Feb-2007 12:55 PM - Golfclvb - s/t (8tx cd, 22'14" - Here I Stay rec 'o7) - Registrato lo scorso anno, esce solo ora il buon album su copertina rosa anonima, debutto dei sardi Golfclvb, sull'altrettanto sarda indie Here I Stay, anch'essa a battesimo con questa pubblicazione. Sincopati, mosche bianche suigeneris nel panorama italiano, direi con la santa protezione di Mission of Burma e Gang of Four, - il disco, 20 min in 8 tracce, viaggia tra forme indie noise, post punk e new-wave, con un buon tiro di adrenalina controllata. - All is Gone, Secret Place, Blow Away sono ottimi pezzi, carismatici, e ballabili, - corrono con stile verso la nevrosi senza toccarla, con batterie precise e rari accenni di synth quasi garage, mentre Edison at Home mostra un volto più up-tempo e 80s della sezione ritmica, più sperimentale. - La voce di Massimo Trogu ben calibra il tono declamante dei pezzi, mentre la chitarra è tra il mantra (Sheepdog) e stop&go angolari (Other Lines). L'esordio dei Golfclvb è brillante, non indimenticabile, ma ben prodotto e godibile. - Per fan dei suddetti epigoni + Unwound, Nation of Ulysses. // Golfclvb - s/t (8tx cd, 22'14" - Here I Stay rec 'o7) - Debut album produced last year, released only now on new-born indie Here I Stay - Sardegna, italy. - Syncopated, running an unclassified genre in italy, seen (read: that's what i see) the shadows/sounds of Mission of Burma and Gang of Four, - the record is 8 tracks in 20min, goes fast through forms of indie noise, post punk and new-wave, with a good dose of adrenalyne, administered under control condition. - All is Gone, Secret Place, Blow Away are great numbers, charismatic and danceable too, - barely on the line of nervous, with a precise drumming, rare synth plays (sort of garage hook-ups), while Edison at Home shows an uptempo face of rythm section, more 80ish, more experimental. Massimo Trogu's vocals well calibrates the
declamatory pick of Their tracks, while guitars blend mantra (Sheepdog) with angular stop&go (Other Lines). Golfclvb' debut is brilliant, not unforgettable but well done, and enjoyable, too.
ƒ˜mp3s @ myspace/golfclvb
26-Feb-2007 11:06 AM - i think it's time to consider the Loveless 33 1/3 contest closed.
25-Feb-2007 11:54 AM - Dilatazione + Poppy's Portrait, live Roma @ sinister noise, 24 feb 2007
Sarà stato che la stessa sera al traffic club dall'altra parte della città c'erano gli Hormonas e - mia ignoranza sulla notorietà Loro, - hanno fatto fare il pienone, con tanto (mi si racconta) di buttafuori (al traffic??) che invitava gli avventori ad andarsene perchè avevano esaurito la capienza maxima (al traffic?), - cmq, al sinister noise c'erano una quarantina di persone. Praticamente quasi di più al cornettaro di fronte. Arrivo che i Poppy's Portrait stanno già sciorinando magma tra stoner e 70s (dalle camice boscaiole, capelloni, sino al suono), un'ottima botta, una continua cavalcata fuzzosa e metalla, voci rauche urlate, alternate da bassista e uno dei chitarristi, - un pò come certe prime cose dei Motorpsycho. Insomma, personalmente non memorabili né nuovi, ma ben calibrati e preparati, - si sentiva che hanno anni d'esperienza alle spalle. Gli headliner Dilatazione [leggi passata komarecensio], da Prato, hanno innazitutto segnato il record capitolino per gli effetti usati da uno dei chitarristi: li ho contati, erano 20. Dico 20 pedali! Ok, c'era un accordatore. Ma 20!!! Quando ho visto le due pedane dei pedali sono rimasto schockato. Il suono che ne derivava era ottimo, ma credo che il numero fosse cmq un pò esagerato.. anche l'altro chitarrista aveva dei gingilli particolari (3 pedali, non 20), sorta di boost del distorsore tra una lucidascarpe automatica e un aerosol (a fine concerto gli ho chiesto cosa fosse quell'attrezzo in blu, ma della sua natura ne era incerto anche lui), - a produrre un'ottima coda di saturazione. Il batterista è mostruoso (di bravura) come su disco, - un metronomo umano con le braccia tipo dea khalì; il bassista passava invece le matematicate anche al laptop e synth. I Dilatazione spesso non danno tempo al pubblico rimasto di cominciare un applauso che subito passano al pezzo successivo, pubblico che resta pietrificato, mummificato, sovente seduto, - io incollato alla colonna in mezzo alla sala. I suoni sono molto + caldi e corrosivi che sul mix freddo del disco, e lo stesso finale da coito interrotto di Tutto si Dimentica (come su disco, l'esecuzione viene spezzata improvvisamente) è assolutamente trascinante nel suo crescendo e corsa finale. Peccato poca gente. E, visto lo stile cinematico della Loro Musica, - mi aspettavo delle proiezioni/visuals che invece non c'erano.
*sorry, pile scariche.. - ps. scusate se le foto sono venute male.. ma il locale è buio e io non so fotografare con tempi lunghi senza il flash..
23-Feb-2007 5:05 PM - I'm just dead busy with work, - so, sorry for the lack of posts. Anyway, past month i linked a youtube video featuring mons. Gondry solving a Rubicks' cube with his feets.. SO UNBELIEVEBLE! But i LOVE His movies, so i believed. ok, i just come from watching a video where someone explains how Michel faked Faked His Rubik's Cube Stunt.. (in brief, read: rewind, reverse!) i guess He had really fun of all youtubers ;-)
22-Feb-2007 1:37 PM - Tutti i passi conducono verso la Morte, solo l'ultimo la rende manifesta ___ Michel de Montaigne
20-Feb-2007 5:02 PM - I just needed to renew my daily dose of Blonde Redhead. The new album, entitled 23, is going to be released on April 10th on 4ad and a couple mp3s are already available throught the internet.. so, don't waste Your time doing 23 times 4(ad) = 666 and funny bullshits like that.. just listen and wait and then BUY.. as i'll do. with Love.
.o1. Blonde Redhead - 23 (via hatesomethingbeautiful)
Blonde Redhead - dr. Strangeluv (via thesoundofindie)
ps. yes, i also found the advanced album leaked.. i couldn't wait!!!
19-Feb-2007 9:34 PM - Se siete insonni e a casa, o in auto, o somewherelse.. su radio rai2 stasera, da adesso, si sciorinano i Sigur Ros con un live del 27 novembre 2006 a Reykjavic.. ascoltate online qui.
19-Feb-2007 5:12 PM - The Busy Life features a beautiful intimate warm-coloured photo gallery.. by Jen Scheutz and Naz Hamid, Christmas in Bellevegas.
19-Feb-2007 1:25 PM - Pistol Wimp features a Muppet Show full episode #19/1978 featuring Peter Sellers, from season 2. Besides the whole funny performance (Peter plays lots of different roles ^_^, from inspector Clouseau to a russian gipsy, to .. everything!). As tradition, at the end of each episode Kermit used to interview the guest actor, sitting on a wall, but the curious thing was that Peter refused to do that, stating 'don't ask me to be me'..
19-Feb-2007 12:44 PM - The Leica M is a jewel and reason why i often keep an eye open over ebay auctions.. i'd love to get one.. a vintage one.. hmmm.. anyway, Leica just released the digital M, - and notwistanding i firmly believe that most of Leica's fans had not exactly waiting for a turn into the digital (as the m8 review states), - the leica m8 looks very creative and professional.. then, i want this one too..
19-Feb-2007 11:52 AM - Japan-based Ping Mag is actually one of my daily readings, such it's reachof inspiring contents (tags: illustration, design, photography, general oddities), - like this interesting view upon Japanese Packaging Design#2 (do not miss the first chapter here), - a special eye over the crazy snack characters and packaging.. from seal-pandas, to Heidi of the Alps,
Doraemon, - as well the words about japanese people's English panic.. - i guess this is porno for package-designers.. as well a curious article for everyone else.
16-Feb-2007 11:57 AM - Sometimes i wish i was smarter (as well more nerdy) than this, enough to place a joystick over the wall.. recycle is the word. More from the verb here at coroflot.com
16-Feb-2007 11:02 AM - I'm not dead, i'm just a busy - lazy - **y komaguy full of emptiness to handle.. PS. there are still 3 Loveless books left to give for free... read below.
14-Feb-2007 5:18 PM - Swirlies were and still actually are an amazing Band from Scituate, Massachusetts, usa. At evil-office.net/swirlies You can download for free lots of rare/sold-out stuff - from masterpiece
Blonder Tongue Audio Baton (a blowing mind guitar meltdown) to early home 4tracks recordings.. that's cool! - Most guitar driven Bands would have lots to learn from Them..
13-Feb-2007 5:35 PM - Uncode Duello -
Ex Æquo (12tx cd, 44'13" - Wallace rec 'o7) -
Paolo Cantù e Xabier Iriondo si ritrovano per un secondo capitolo dopo il s/t del 2005 (leggi passata komarecensio), passando dalle precedenti serie di tensioni free-jazz ad un disco piuttosto tantrico e drogato, atipico ma con esplosioni kraut (mi vengono in mente i Kroko): insomma, il sound suicida che fa da bandiera a casa Wallace, quello sapientemente ragionato nelle sinistre angolature per suite da quarantena.
Federico Ciappini (Six Minute War Madness)
bisbiglia maligno in qlc traccia, mentre i due puppi in copertina battagliano con un mezzo messaggio subliminale di satira patriota, - nel frattempo Cantù e Iriondo riescono a far risuonare e vibrare con scienza tutto quanto nasconda un suono, - oppure praticano l'autoipnosi nell'acustica brillante Wir Sind Ein Opernbau - come su Lost R 16 pm - o viaggiano nell'ottimo jazz spezzato dei fiati di Dentro al Muro. Sarei curioso di vederLi/sentirLi dal vivo, - di sicuro però vorrei star seduto ad un tavolo con qualcosa da bere, - anche un té fumante va benone. // Uncode Duello - Ex Æquo (12tx cd, 44'13" - Wallace rec 'o7) - Paolo Cantù e Xabier Iriondo one more time together for a second chapter following s/t release of 2005 (read past komareview ), - coming from previous series of free-jazz voltage to a new album somewhat tantric and stoned, untypical altough with kraut explosions (let me cite Kroko): i mean, it's the suicidal well-known sound of Wallace rec - that one wisely well-grounded in its sinister slants - perfect for a quarantine room. Federico Ciappini (formerly from Six Minute War Madness) evil whispers over a couple of tracks while on the album cover two sicilian puppets are into a fight, in the middle of a subliminal nationalistic satire, - in the meanwhile Cantù and Iriondo are able to take-out sound of everything They touch - or experience the self-hypnosis through the bright acoustic Wir Sind Ein Opernbau - as well over Lost R 16 pm - else travelling along the excellent broken jazz Dentro al Muro enriched with the winds. I'd be very curious to see Them performing live, - altough of course i'd need to sit and drink something, even a cup of steaming tea.
ƒ˜mp3 [via label]:
Asilo (Cappabianca)
13-Feb-2007 10:23 AM - ps. i'm sorry for the lack of posts, but i'm kind of busy with work.. sh+t!
13-Feb-2007 9:55 AM - The Loveless contest is still open for USA & Canada, - 4 books left.
12-Feb-2007 6:00 PM - Ok, only 5 copies are left, for USA/Canada.. // Concorso chiuso per l'Europa, le 5 copie sono state assegnate, se prendete la residenza in USA o Canada, potete ancora partecipare per le restanti 5.. ^_^!
12-Feb-2007 10:22 AM - Loveless, by Mike McGonigal (33 1/3 book, 128pg, Continuum, £6.99, 9.95 USD) - [traduzione in italiano qui] As a matter of fact, My Bloody Valentine's Loveless signed the perfectionism of trascendental sound research, - and It still features, nowadays after years, the most elevated noise guitar-driven experience a listener can hope in, - a pure symphony of distortion meeting bliss-out melodies, sensuality and feeling. No one else did it. - Personally i don't think Loveless is shoegaze - because it goes beyond the clichés of genre, - altough each so-called shoegaze Band must declare own belief and origins in It. Could You think of something more hypnagogic? I can't. - Lots of words, rumours and internet legends have been spent about the half-endless album making-of - now, music geek Mike McGonigal writes this pocket-sized book (Continuum 33 1/3 series) about the Valentines and Loveless, - referring at best all the stories and interviewing Kevin, Bilinda, Colm and Deb, - also telling His personal point of view (very funny his MBV Code theory, 63pg). - Actually, it's not exactly a formal unique interview or story, - it's more like putting together the pieces, from early Bands vagitus to Bilinda joining the line-up, Her love-story with Kevin until its 'disintegration [..] which was happening right then and there, in the studio', so the countless studio sessions, the album reelase, then the press' answers - and what happened after that. - It's interesting reading how, except done for Alan Moulder, the rest of sound engeneers credited over the Loveless' sleeve none of them actually put hands on the Music (Kevin refers that he credited people just even for having had tea together), and how hard it was to deal with them (about Glider, Kevin says 'People literally said i was insane for doing that track.. [..] The engineers and owners of that studio treated us like shit; they poked fun of us to our face!'). You're going to read Loveless is Kevin Shields ('I'm actually the only musician on the record except for the Colm song), and that Kevin and Colm set about 'making the follow-up [..] clearly influenced by the drum and bass music.. - So, You're going to read of hours spent watching tv instead of recording, the chincillas thing (20 of them is crazy, 14 is not?), of how Deb is't actually on the record, of Colm playing drums just on a couple of tracks because of a bad flue and homeless problems, - the possibility of a Kevin's solo record to finance a new MBV' chapter, - of how the 250 thousand pounds bankrupt Creation legend is totally wrong and of Band's relationship with Alan McGee. - Absolutely a good book, confirming that Loveless is more than Music, and that My Bloody Valentine - yes - They signed the difference.
- KOMACONTEST!! Komakino, courtesy of Continuum International Publishing Group, will give for free 10 books to our beloved komareaders, 5 for Europe, 5 to who are in the States or Canada,
- JUST ANSWER to the following simple question: MBV covered a famous Louise Armstrong song.. what's the title?, - i like to think the title carries hope to all of us waiting for a new release.. - Email Your answer to yrkomakinoATgmail.com, with subject Loveless 33 1/3
08-Feb-2007 2:50 PM - UBU features a priceless avant-garde movies archives, from classics as Bunuel's Un chien andalou to Burroughs' Cut-up films until Richard Kern's pieces and even beyond.
- I think i might spend the whole day checking the website contents.. so, browse it at Your own risk.. even because UBU involves lots of other projects.. enjoy [ultra link via massimo c., - thanks +++]
05-Feb-2007 5:53 PM - Did You read those news about the lucky random Velvet Underground found/auction about the Norman Dolph Acetate? - as regards me, i did. And actually i listened to (via this helpful link): it's kind of interesting, especially considering this demo had rejected by Columbia executives (there's a story about a returing note saying:
You have to be fucking kidding!).. then Velvet Underground re-recorded and remixed, to be after released as
The Velvet Underground and Nico.. and
not bad at all for being a $0.75 investment, isn't it?
- i'd say these recordigs deserve Your attention.. right? - Venus in Furs alone itself is worthy Your time. [ps. the linked blog also share some more gems as Metallic K.O., The Smiths and even more.. enjoy]
ƒ˜ Velvet Underground - The Norman Dolph Acetate (1966).
05-Feb-2007 10:26 AM - Il proposito di questo gioco di ruolo è far sottointendere - nemmeno troppo - il funzionamento di una multinazionale quale macdonald, dalla macellazione dei buoi alla gestione del fast-food.. personalmente - tra demolizioni di villaggi per coltivarci soia, ormoni alle vacche, corruzione di climatologi e politici, affari con la disney, spillette agli addetti alle griglie, - no, non sono riuscito a durare più di qlc minuto alla direzione.. piuttosto inquietante.. // Multilingual RPG, its first purpose is to let You understand how a corporation like macdonald's may work, from slaughtering cows to destroy villages to cultivate alterated soya, - clearing rainforests, - corrupting politicians and nutritionists, dealing with disney etc etc... personally i've been always fired after two minutes by the redhead clown.. - kind of scary, isn't it?
02-Feb-2007 2:52 PM - Siete a Roma stasera? Io sì e più precisamente per:
SEA DWELLER (shoegaze dreampop noise) live @ Classico Village - v. libetta, 3 (ostiense) w/ Tocqueville + Mickey Eats Plastic - ingresso 5€.
01-Feb-2007 5:12 PM - I'm sorry You don't speak any italian, because this is fucking hilarious ^_^, btw, please watch the video.. // Una roba del genere la dovrebbero mandare subito in onda.. altro che digitale e parabola.. Cmq, su qoob, ex fluxtv, c'è questo servizio firmato 'garbatella produzioni' che intervista il "mitico cantante dei vervet andergraund" - filmato puntata zero per la 'trasmissione' Scrivere Come Savinio.. geniale capolavoro, scuola bielorussa anni 70, - la parte sulla storia dietro la famosa copertina con la banana mi ha fatto tagliare.. by Ghettobus, - già il Suo blog è spettacolare, tra figurine di calciatori dell'intelletto, poesie, preghiere e la storia vera del theremin..
01-Feb-2007 3:54 PM - Blockposters è un sito-tool interessante, - Vi permette di caricare un'immagine ad alta risoluzione, decidete come splittarla su più fogli e Vi restituisce in finale un pdf di più pagine da scaricare, in modo da stampare l'img separatamente e comporre una gigantografia.. cool isn't it? Gratuito, naturalmente.. // Blockposters is an interesting website/tool - it allows You in three easy steps to upload an hi-re picture, You split it in several sheets as You prefer, and it returns the image as pdf containing the slices, ready to print, - so cut & paste, You can create a 'huge poster to stick on your wall'.
How cool, and it's for free ;-)
01-Feb-2007 12:12 PM: january was a good month especially thanks to:
Ø. lullatone - plays pajama pop pour vous
Ø.Ø. hope sandoval & the warm inventions - suzanne ep
Ø.Ø.Ø. fitness forever - gomalsky marmelade
Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. a hawk and a hacksaw - darkness at noon
Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. sol seppy - the bells of 1 2
Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. the artificial sea - city island
Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. emily haines & the soft skeletons - knives don't have your back
Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. beatrice antolini - big saloon
-> -> -> january is a 31 days month