Marie Clayton
Often disturbing, sometimes pulp, always morally wrong and antisocial, - for sure, Marie Clayton has got an obsessive taste for details in photography. [...]
28/02/2011 12:16:34
Azure Ray
w/ StaggLive @ Circolo degli Artisti, 25/02/2011 Roma
Here we go, with the eternal question: why do people go to a live show just to chat all the time in front of the stage? Actually, in front, in the [...]
28/02/2011 10:20:27
See also:
Manuel Bienvenu
Bring me the head of(12tx, 62'36'' - Memory Lab 2007, 2010)
Oh oh oh, that's delicious indie pop, criminally invisible: 60s flavoured, tinted with bossa nova and vintage lounge melodies, jazzy tunes, plus [...]
26/02/2011 08:51:16
Exp Etc
Experimentale EtcFree download - rare Music Blog galore.
If you're looking for Pakistan Folk and Pop instrumental music of 60s, the early recordings from Istanbul, or just that Swirlies' record, Bardo Pond, [...]
25/02/2011 16:20:42
Sometimes records
When I was 21 years old, I couldn't ask for more. Maybe.Anyway, I'm pretty proud Ruth Veln Kiss is featured on this special mixtape sampled by [...]
25/02/2011 15:04:18
All Harm Ends Here(11tx, 43'57'' - Self-prod / A Buzz Supreme, 2011)
It's not Early Day Miners' homonym fourth record, but Ofeliadorme's first full-lenght album, released this month.If it's true Sometimes it's Better [...]
25/02/2011 13:09:28
The invisible hair suit
24/02/2011 15:17:40
Serge Gainsbourg
Gasogramma. Autobiografia iperastratta92 pp | 8 euro, ISBN ed, 2010
Dal sito della ISBN leggo "Isbn Edizioni, la casa editrice diretta da Massimo Coppola, pensa che esista una nuova generazione di lettori, la cui [...]
23/02/2011 12:26:28
See also:
(11tx CD, 34'11'' - Jeetkune rec 2011)
Two Bit Dezperados are particularly reveler this time.A friend of mine was showing me His copy of this disc on green vinyl, - pretty cool indeed, - I [...]
23/02/2011 08:50:28
See also:
Dolly the Sheep
(5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003)22nd February 1997 - In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly had been successfully cloned.
"On Dolly's name, Wilmut stated "Dolly is derived from a mammary gland cell and we couldn't think of a more impressive pair of glands than Dolly [...]
22/02/2011 01:14:29
Get it Over(2tx, 7'' vinyl - 2010 White Zoo rec)
Riuscire a cogliere la completezza di qualsiasi cosa con un semplice assaggio è cosa da palati fini... è come dare un giudizio su una cena dopo aver [...]
21/02/2011 14:44:26
Leila Adu
Live @ Fanfulla, Roma, 17/02/2011
This is my second time I see Leila Adu performing live in Rome.Originally from London, with Ghanaian and Kiwi roots, singer, composer and musician, [...]
18/02/2011 16:31:28
Disposable USB sticksArt Lebedev
By Art Lebedev.[via Urbantaster] [...]
18/02/2011 10:33:14