Experimental Dental School / Blown Paper Bags
(2+2tx 7", 10'28" - Cragstan Astronaut rec 'o7)
| pall youhideme
Split a due per i nostrani genovesi Blown Paper Bags e il trio californiano Experimental Dental School,
all'insegna di un bizzarro punk carnevalesco e garage, - qualche mese
fa in tour insieme qui in italí, qui riuniti in tiratura limitata a 500
copie. I Blown Paper Bags (dietro ci si nasconde un ex Lo-Fi Sucks, ma anche diverse altre realtà underground genovesi) suonano come i B52's
fulminati da una console nintendo, sorta di protopunk, a voci boy con
girl+girl in contro canto, smaccatamente frenetici dance (Krautcore vs. Blogbore mi ha dato sinceramente ai nervi col suo finale omicida), insomma, il best party in town, - specie su White Ties - impossibili rimanere fermi, - si balla. Gli Experimental Dental School
hanno un suono dissonante più caldo, uso massiccio di contorsioni su
organo e saturazioni, gusto retrò 60s, psychedelia, ombre di The Residents e cartoni animati creepy.. Insomma, un 7" azzeccato, animalesco, vibrante di pop kaleidoscopico.
7" split between Blown Paper Bags (from genova, italy) and Experimental Dental School (ca, usa), under the flag of a bizzarre garage punk carnival, - after being on tour together in italy a couple of months ago. Blown Paper Bags (featuring members of former local indie Bands as Lo-Fi Sucks and more) sound like B52's strucked by a Nintendo console, sort of proto-punk music, with a boy leading lyrics, and girl+girl backing vocals, - in a frenetic frenzy-dance attitude (although Krautcore vs. Blogbore is totally nerve-racking with its homicidal end), - i mean, it's 'the best party in town', especially on White Ties - You cannot stand still, - You'll dance. - Experimental Dental School have a dissonant warmer sound, with massive organ contorsions, as well also satured sounds, - a 60s retrò taste, psychedelia, shadows of The Residents and creepy cartoons.. - Well, these two Bands well match together in a 7", animal, throbbling kaleidoscopic, pop.
ƒ˜music @ myspace/blownpaperbags, experimentaldental.com
7" split between Blown Paper Bags (from genova, italy) and Experimental Dental School (ca, usa), under the flag of a bizzarre garage punk carnival, - after being on tour together in italy a couple of months ago. Blown Paper Bags (featuring members of former local indie Bands as Lo-Fi Sucks and more) sound like B52's strucked by a Nintendo console, sort of proto-punk music, with a boy leading lyrics, and girl+girl backing vocals, - in a frenetic frenzy-dance attitude (although Krautcore vs. Blogbore is totally nerve-racking with its homicidal end), - i mean, it's 'the best party in town', especially on White Ties - You cannot stand still, - You'll dance. - Experimental Dental School have a dissonant warmer sound, with massive organ contorsions, as well also satured sounds, - a 60s retrò taste, psychedelia, shadows of The Residents and creepy cartoons.. - Well, these two Bands well match together in a 7", animal, throbbling kaleidoscopic, pop.
ƒ˜music @ myspace/blownpaperbags, experimentaldental.com
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