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Velvet Underground

the Norman Dolph Acetate

 | pall youhideme
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Velvet Underground - The Norman Dolph AcetateDid You read those news about the lucky random Velvet Underground found/auction about the Norman Dolph Acetate? - as regards me, i did. And actually i listened to (via this helpful link): it's kind of interesting, especially considering this demo had rejected by Columbia executives (there's a story about a returing note saying: You have to be fucking kidding!).. then Velvet Underground re-recorded and remixed, to be after released as The Velvet Underground and Nico.. and not bad at all for being a $0.75 investment, isn't it? - i'd say these recordigs deserve Your attention.. right? - Venus in Furs alone itself is worthy Your time. [ps. the linked blog also share some more gems as Metallic K.O., The Smiths and even more.. enjoy]

ƒ˜ Velvet Underground - The Norman Dolph Acetate (1966).
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