Littlebrown and Pentolino
Ziu Zau
(11tx cd, 34'o2" - mad cap collective / fromscratch 'o6)
| pall youhideme
Non son proprio sicuro (ok che basta leggere..), ma magari farò errata corrige.. Due ragazzi affetti
da omonimia (entrambi all'anagrafe Paolo Moretti) fulminati da cotanto
segno del fato, finiscono in uno split di 5 canzoni a testa, + una
insieme registrata al telefono. Mentre Littlebrown
è un gracido folksinger del lo-fi che si alza la mattina facendo
colazione con la chitarra improvvisando la canzone del giorno (Wake Up), spettinato e alcolizzato, Pentolino
gioca sul lato indie + ricercato, più attento alla strumentazione, con
percussioni minimali e suoni morbidi, intimista per quanto ironico (o
fulminato cantando testi di incontri con aragoste spaziali - Space Lobsters). Making a Mess poi
ha una bella partitura per come è articolata. I due potrebbero
tranquillamente dividere il palco, in una notte in tema di no-sense pop
e folk rancido. [vedi sotto per mp3]
I'm not very sure about what i'm writing here, anyway two italian guys, homonym, signed by such so mark of Fate, are here on a split cd, with 5 songs each, and one together recorded during a phonecall (!). While Littlebrown is a croaking lo-fi folk singer, embracing the guitar as He wakes up so to improvise the day song (Wake Up), uncombed and on alchool, Pentolino plays a more elegant role, focusing more over the instruments, with minimal percussions and soft sounds, inmost even if ironic, or - better - struck, seen He sings of Space Lobsters. - Making a Mess is also a track with a good song-writing, as it's composed with attention. - These two one-man bands might easily share the stage, in a night of Music dedicated to no-sense pop and rancid folk.
.o3. Littlebrown - Wake Up
.1o. Pentolino - Making a Mess
I'm not very sure about what i'm writing here, anyway two italian guys, homonym, signed by such so mark of Fate, are here on a split cd, with 5 songs each, and one together recorded during a phonecall (!). While Littlebrown is a croaking lo-fi folk singer, embracing the guitar as He wakes up so to improvise the day song (Wake Up), uncombed and on alchool, Pentolino plays a more elegant role, focusing more over the instruments, with minimal percussions and soft sounds, inmost even if ironic, or - better - struck, seen He sings of Space Lobsters. - Making a Mess is also a track with a good song-writing, as it's composed with attention. - These two one-man bands might easily share the stage, in a night of Music dedicated to no-sense pop and rancid folk.
.o3. Littlebrown - Wake Up
.1o. Pentolino - Making a Mess
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