The Shipwreck Bag Show
The Shipwreck Bag Show
(3tx minicd, 17'48" - wallace rec 'o6)
| pall youhideme
Tre stanze sonore al margine del minimale per descrivere il naufragio
del vascello in copertina: questa la materia dell'ultimo capitolo mail series francobollato wallace rec, che vede (aridaje, ndk) Xabier Iriondo insieme a Roberto Bertacchini. Improvvisazione concreta? kraut ambient à la Can? Mera virtù ipnotica, dall'iniziale how to escape from a shipwreck boat, per poi passare per putting all of your things in a bag - esperienza mantrica, e finire in dreaming to be on dry ground, - un disco quasi muto nella sua linea non melodica, ottimo per un'istallazione artistica o sí, un naufragio rassegnato.
Three audio rooms into the realms of minimal music to describe the shipwreck drawed on cover: this seems to be the subject of the closing chapter of mail series marked wallace rec, seeing (onemoretime!, ndk) Xabier Iriondo, this time with Roberto Bertacchini. Free improvvisation melt with concrete music? kraut ambient à la Can? Merely hypnotic virtue, from first how to escape from a shipwreck boat, to step into putting all of your things in a bag - mantric experience, to close with dreaming to be on dry ground, - in a release barely mute in its melodic line, excellent for an artistic installation and.. yes, for a unhopeful shipwreck.
ƒ˜mp3 (via label):
.o2. Putting all of Your Things in a Bag.
Three audio rooms into the realms of minimal music to describe the shipwreck drawed on cover: this seems to be the subject of the closing chapter of mail series marked wallace rec, seeing (onemoretime!, ndk) Xabier Iriondo, this time with Roberto Bertacchini. Free improvvisation melt with concrete music? kraut ambient à la Can? Merely hypnotic virtue, from first how to escape from a shipwreck boat, to step into putting all of your things in a bag - mantric experience, to close with dreaming to be on dry ground, - in a release barely mute in its melodic line, excellent for an artistic installation and.. yes, for a unhopeful shipwreck.
ƒ˜mp3 (via label):
.o2. Putting all of Your Things in a Bag.
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