Zu feat. Xabier Iriondo + Iceburn
(5+4tx cd, 26'31" - Wallace rec + PhonoMetak Series 'o6)
| pall youhideme
Degli Zu se ne
possono sentire solo lodi e pregi in giro. Mostri del free, un bassista
obiquo (Massimo Pupillo) per le Sue apparizioni (senonché fenomenale a
mia memoria sul disco jazz The Williamsburg Sonatas (leggi vecchia komarecensio)),
insomma, magari non Ti ci affezioni, ma non puoi non restarne
impressionato/a per l'attitudine musicale. Questo split, vede special
guest per i Zu l'altro omnipresente Xabier Iriondo,
- insieme sviluppano un impatto tagliente, che sulla prima traccia si
traduce anche in un cantato tombale metal, quasi punto d'incontro in
questo jazz punk. Gli altri pezzi, tutti strumentali, hanno una sorta
di atmosfera elettrostatica, nervosa, con percussioni in continua
tensione, sax strozzato, e chitarra picchiata e macellata (sentila su It's Irrelevant Now, sembra quasi un asino su un'altalena hiiiiiii-oohhhhhhh). Un'ottima produzione di suoni, non c'è riposo, è quasi un incubo. Gli Iceburn, attivi anche Loro dagli anni 90, from salt lake city / revelation rec,
sono invece più granitici, tra retogusto math-rock e macchie di jazz, -
il suono compatto e meccanico li fa risorgere dall'esperienza orchestrale passata e amalgamare agli Zu, per quanto le batterie siano + violente e presenti, in un collage di sangue e fuoco tantrico.
If You google about Zu releases and exibitions, You cannot reading but ovations and praises. Excellent in experimental free music, seeing an ubique bass-player (Massimo Pupillo) for His presence in lots of side-projects (phenomenal, at my memory, with The Williamsburg Sonatas release, read past komareview), - i mean, maybe You don't exactly fall in love with all that, but You cannot but appreciate the impressive musical attitude. This split cd features Xabier Iriondo as special guest (one more ubique being in italian indie scene), and together They're able to produce a cutting impact, that on the opening track turns into a sung somewhat evil and metal, kind of meeting point in this jazz punk. The other songs - all instrumental - have a sort of electrostatic atmosphere, nervous, with percussions in an everlasting tension, chocked bartone saxophone, and guitars beaten hard, half slaughthered (listen to it on It's Irrelevant Now, - it sounds as a jackass on a see-saw). An excellent sound production, - there's no rest, it's almost a nightmare. The Iceburn, on the scene since early 9o's too, from salt lake city, usa, revelation rec, are more granitic, in a math-rock after-taste and dirty jazz, - the music is compact and mechanic, it's like They rise from the past orchestra experience and blend into Zuism with the three-formula (two guitars and drums), - even if Their beat is heavier and stronger than Zu, in a collage of blood and tantric fire.
.o2. Momentum (Zu feat. Xabier Iriondo)
If You google about Zu releases and exibitions, You cannot reading but ovations and praises. Excellent in experimental free music, seeing an ubique bass-player (Massimo Pupillo) for His presence in lots of side-projects (phenomenal, at my memory, with The Williamsburg Sonatas release, read past komareview), - i mean, maybe You don't exactly fall in love with all that, but You cannot but appreciate the impressive musical attitude. This split cd features Xabier Iriondo as special guest (one more ubique being in italian indie scene), and together They're able to produce a cutting impact, that on the opening track turns into a sung somewhat evil and metal, kind of meeting point in this jazz punk. The other songs - all instrumental - have a sort of electrostatic atmosphere, nervous, with percussions in an everlasting tension, chocked bartone saxophone, and guitars beaten hard, half slaughthered (listen to it on It's Irrelevant Now, - it sounds as a jackass on a see-saw). An excellent sound production, - there's no rest, it's almost a nightmare. The Iceburn, on the scene since early 9o's too, from salt lake city, usa, revelation rec, are more granitic, in a math-rock after-taste and dirty jazz, - the music is compact and mechanic, it's like They rise from the past orchestra experience and blend into Zuism with the three-formula (two guitars and drums), - even if Their beat is heavier and stronger than Zu, in a collage of blood and tantric fire.
.o2. Momentum (Zu feat. Xabier Iriondo)
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