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(10tx CD, 42'35'' - Last Gang / indiependent! rec 'o9)

 | pall youhideme
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It is even too easy to me renewing my love to Metric after years of listenings, - more frankly, i'm more properly kind of obsessed with Them. Not only with Emily's legs. I mean, i first bumped into Their Music - then i spot Her face in internet, - so, my love is genuine, i'd say. And i'm even happier now, because i can say i have fantasies of Emily Haines.
Jokes apart, They keep on performing some perfect new wave pop acrobacies after three (actually, four) albums, - and without forgetting a deserved note to ms Haines' solo career with the amazing side project & The Soft Skeleton.
Four years later Live it Out (oh my goddd.. 4 years!!!), due to next week, They finally release (nearly indipendently) Fantasies, - production cared by the guitarist James Shaw, something able to make my listener's heart still "beating like a hammer", as Emily sings in the opening track Help, I'm Alive.
- Actually, the whole album is a collection of hits: Satellite Mind is totally infectious with lyrics like I'm not suicidal / I just can't get out of bed / [..] i heard you fuck through the wall, - with that killer drum beat fueled by a guitar crescendo - all making move the feet.
Gold Guns Girls, Front Row, Sick Muse, and Gimme Sympathy sound like a mixture of Pulp, New Order, some languid 80s electro-rock in contemporary key and catchy guitar riffs: all results being something bouncy, highly danceable, sexy, and, why not, indie at the same time.
There's also time for crying in your bed, once far from the dancefloor: Blindness is a gentle lullaby growing and growing, - until You throw away the blankets and come back fighting against life ("Help is on the way", - She says).
Collect Call is a sweet nocturnal song quietly loaded with dancy drum beats and gentle synth/keyboard play, along with Haines' lenitive and melancholic vocals. And it turns even more sensual when Twilight Galaxy sounds like a soothed Suicide's Cheree refined by Emily's voice.
As regards me, - Metric did it again. I love Metric.

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