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(((wave noise pillows)))

playlist update

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(((wave noise pillows))) - playlist update | Varie
New bands listed on (((wave noise pillows))), my mp3_station on, then available for free downloads and stream audio: Misnomer, - good uk Band ranging in several 8o's styles, from syntho-pop [Mistake] to dark-wave [Halfe a Chance, Outbrake, Fake It]; - Light From A Dead Star, - another Band with 8o's memories (sir Robert Smith in a guitar), but with a breakbeats_tyle + flanger explosion; hey, i hope all these dark-oriented Bands will not make You guess komakino is strictly a dark-web_zine, 'cause it's not like that. By the way, Common Haus is a goth-rock Band from usa, - i'd cite The Cult to give a direction. Final Love and Heaven in the 8o's would have been a hit.
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