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Uncletoe's Portasound

two new releases, plus gig

 | pall youhideme
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Uncletoe's Portasound Nuove dagli Uncletoe's Portasound (vedi koma#5), ovvero Late Night e Thru The Dark Softly, - due cd, il primo (19 tx), soundtrk per quella che sarà la Loro esibizione il prossimo 1o settembre a Santa Fe, usa, blu notte colonna sonora, sorta di non-dreampop con influenze postpunk, - bella Softer e Big Bar, si dirigono verso nuove sperimentalismi e sonorità, - e interessante elettrostasi nelle strumentali, - chissà che concerto faranno! - Il secondo (su cd a pancia nera!) ha due nuove versioni rivisitate delle già collaudate Wish I Was There e A Far Far Better Place, + 3 inediti, tra cui bella Sea, e la aqua-landscape Nerissa, davvero riuscita, very lovely :) // Finally some other new cool releases from Uncletoe's Portasound (read koma#5), - two brand new cd's, Late Night and Thru The Dark Softly, the first (19 tx), sound-track for Their forth-coming exhibition at CD Cafè, in Santa Fe, usa, next 1oth september, night-blue score, here kind of not-dreampop with post-punk influences, - great Softer and Big Bar, - They're driving through new electronic experimentalisms and sonorities, - and interesting electrostatics on the instrumentals - i'd be really curious to see Them live that night! - The ladder is a 7 track black (!) cd, with the already known Wish I Was There e A Far Far Better Place in two alternative new versions, plus 3 new songs whose Sea with Nerissa at her best, and Nerissa - instumental aqua-landscape song dedicated to his mate :) beautiful indeed.
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