The Deep End
Kiss the Light Goodbye
(11tx cd, 38'56'' - Fratto9 Under the Sky / Zahr rec 'o5)
| pall youhideme
Un discreto esercizio di stile math/slow-core, cattedra Mogwai. Non si scappa. Detto questo sarebbe come sparare sulla croce rossa in fatto di originalità, - senonché, i Deep End, nostrani alessandrini, al debutto su disco dopo due ep (un 1o" splittato con GDM),
hanno una matura sezione ritmica e una camaleontica partitura di
chitarre, - oltre all'arricchimento di programming, qualche ben
infiltrata linea di synth e i suoni sinistri/metallici di Back to Mabuse. Su Silence.. Silenzio c'è cameo alla voce di Marylin Tognolli dei Kill the Thrill,
un atto dell'inspirare-respirare poetico. La meta di queste 11 tracce è
una bellezza fragile, tra lo strumentale e il cantato basso/spoken word
di Andrea Ferraris, bellezza sfiorata su passaggi melodici carichi di
emotività (Nobody Can Scary the Mighty Pussolini), rallentamenti visionari (Home Is, come l'eterea calma di Motherfuckers Never Die), e il crescendo di The Fires. - Un disco il cui impatto non Vi farà del male,
la sua identità non è scintillante, - però le sue suggestioni hanno
un'ottima produzione e cura nei suoni, potrete aprire le finestre e
metterlo tranquillamente a tutto volume, scuotendo gentilmente la casa,
sin dai primi venti di e-bow della traccia che apre. [vedi sotto x un video]
A fairly good math/slow-core style exercise, Mogwai lessons. No way out. Said this, it's even too easy shooting to the red cross as regards being original - although the Deep End, from north italy, at Their first full lenght debut after two ep's (a 10" split with GDM), have got a mature rhythmic section, and a chameleontic guitars partiture, - besides a rich programming, some synth lines on the beam, and creepy metallic sounds of Back to Mabuse. On Silence.. Silenzio there is Marylin Tognolli from Kill the Thrill, a song like the poetic act of breathing in and out. The final aim for these 13 tracks is a fragile beauty, between instrumental and Andrea Ferrari's spoken word / vocals, - a beauty scraped gently over melodic passages, emotionally loaded (Nobody Can Scary the Mighty Pussolini), visionary slow-downs (Home Is, as well as the ethereal calm of Motherfuckers Never Die), and crescendo of The Fires. - An album whose impact will not hurt You, and neithern its personality is shining, - although its suggestions have an excellent production and care of sounds, - so that You can peacefully open Your bedroom window and turn up the speakers volume and gently rock the house, even since early e-bow winds of the opening track..
¬video & mp3s (via Fratto9 Under the Sky rec):
2 - when Juliet was a jerk (video, mp3)
3 - home is
8 - silence...silenzio
A fairly good math/slow-core style exercise, Mogwai lessons. No way out. Said this, it's even too easy shooting to the red cross as regards being original - although the Deep End, from north italy, at Their first full lenght debut after two ep's (a 10" split with GDM), have got a mature rhythmic section, and a chameleontic guitars partiture, - besides a rich programming, some synth lines on the beam, and creepy metallic sounds of Back to Mabuse. On Silence.. Silenzio there is Marylin Tognolli from Kill the Thrill, a song like the poetic act of breathing in and out. The final aim for these 13 tracks is a fragile beauty, between instrumental and Andrea Ferrari's spoken word / vocals, - a beauty scraped gently over melodic passages, emotionally loaded (Nobody Can Scary the Mighty Pussolini), visionary slow-downs (Home Is, as well as the ethereal calm of Motherfuckers Never Die), and crescendo of The Fires. - An album whose impact will not hurt You, and neithern its personality is shining, - although its suggestions have an excellent production and care of sounds, - so that You can peacefully open Your bedroom window and turn up the speakers volume and gently rock the house, even since early e-bow winds of the opening track..
¬video & mp3s (via Fratto9 Under the Sky rec):
2 - when Juliet was a jerk (video, mp3)
3 - home is
8 - silence...silenzio
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