Scopro con estremo piacere che i meravigliosi Pshychic Paramount (chitarra e basso ex Laddio Bolocko) hanno finalmente pubblicato un album debutto, Gamelan Into The Mink Supernatural, su No Quarter
rec (che corro ad ordinare!): saranno in italia a dicembre con due
uniche date live, (me tapino) non a roma, bensí reggio emilia e trento.
leggeteVi tutti i miei wowmadonnasanta di due, anzi tre anni fa qui (come vola il tempo..) quando vennero a roma di supporto ai Suicide.
Davvero straconsigliati, un live psichedelico shoegaze ultrastrumentale
che brucia tutto il male che c'è intorno, da albano alla pausini a mtv
allo stipendio basso al raffreddore. [leggi sotto per stream audio]
With extreme pleasure, I just read that the amazing Pshychic Paramount finally released a debut full-lenght album, Gamelan Into The Mink Supernatural, via No Quarter rec (I'm going to order it!): They are touring u.s.a. and Europe this fall, - italy included, but unfortuntely not Rome.. shit! Read my three years ago wow&ohmygods live report about when They supported Suicide in Rome.
¬stream audio (via Aquarius rec)
.Echoh Air
With extreme pleasure, I just read that the amazing Pshychic Paramount finally released a debut full-lenght album, Gamelan Into The Mink Supernatural, via No Quarter rec (I'm going to order it!): They are touring u.s.a. and Europe this fall, - italy included, but unfortuntely not Rome.. shit! Read my three years ago wow&ohmygods live report about when They supported Suicide in Rome.
¬stream audio (via Aquarius rec)
.Echoh Air
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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