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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Vincent Gallo


(1otx cd, 42'53'' - Warp rec 'o1)

 | pall youhideme
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I'm a fan of this man. He's a great actor, and when i discovered His Music too, - i felt a 'wow' came out of my throat. And it's not like with Jennifer Lopez.. because she's not an actress! - ok, stop joking. - When was released some years ago, but it's such a so delicate and subtle collection of pearls, pearls imbued in tears, that it's worthy attention, even if in late (it's my case..). But the good things survive to the passing Time. - Five songs of ten are with vocals, - brittle frail in-loved vocals; - never guessed Vincent was so gentle in singing ("it could be so nice.. niiiiice.." - Yes I'm Lonely) . - Music is like a dream of King Crimson's Moonchild, like if the start-point was that tip-tap performed by Cristina Ricci in his Buffalo '66.. His songs, even if loaded with broken-heart or happy-heart lyrics, are anyway desperate.. funny because of their simplicity, as well as moving (Laura... Laura come back.. let's find a place, a happy place.. // We can lay in the bed.. you and me.. and i won't go away or leave you alone.. sweetie-pie - baby.. sleep tight..), - and guitars are like whispered, in an emotional salvation. - Instrumental tracks swing between psychedelic melodies and trip-hop drumming, - and the whole album is like a private diary (shining Beauty), maybe open with pain, like a Young guy inloved, writing poetries all the night long about His crazy girlfriend..
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