Uno dei Gruppi che mi ha fatto vedere la luce, per la precisione con la raccolta Singles 89-92 (matador rec '92), e il pezzo My Right,
una fuoco noise che brucia perenne, e ogni volta che lo riascolto mi fa
venire la pelle d'oca sul grido inziale e la chitarra distorta che
esplode e fa nepal a pioggia su tutto. - Poi l'esser stato sotto il
palco qualche anno a Roma al Frontiera (esiste ancora?) quando
suonarono dal vivo, e il batterista Vincent Signorelli ai miei occhi di
cerbiatto non potè non regalarmi il rullante che aveva picchiato duro
tutta la notte. - Poi qlc anno fa la notizia che il
chitarrista/anima/voce degli Unsane, Chris Spencer (fratello del + noto John, dei Pussy Galore e BluesExplosion e Boss Hog,
etc) era stato picchiato a sangue da quattro anti-americani
testedicazzo (permettetemi la licenza poetica) viennesi (mai beccati
dalla polizia) con relativa degenza ospedaliera, quindi tutti i dubbi
sulla possibilità di continuare e la parentesi Cutthroats 9. Insomma, scrivo col cuore in mano la recensio x il ritorno, dopo 7 anni, con Blood Run. E gli Unsane sono un Gruppo di persone che non hanno una vita oltre gli Unsane,
- è una pura passione, una pura inclinazione. Ci vuole coraggio, follia
e solitudine, e si può intuire probabile già da questo perchè le Loro
tracce suonino tanto incazzate. Dopo anni spesi a bruciare sull'ara
sacra del Noise (densi rumori cari a primi Sonic Youth, Distorted Pony Scratch Acid..) con la voce mangiata dal mix e microfono in distorsione, probabile andare in tour con Slayer e Biohazard
ha contribuito a concentrare la linea principale di questo album su una
durezza prevalentemente metal, una maggiore profondità dei toni del
basso e dei chitarroni, che richiamano il fasto del rancido
esclusivamente su un paio di tracce (Make Them Prey, Latch, D Train)
buttando tutto il resto nel viscerale, nel brutale decapitando (ok,
questa era facile vista una vecchia copertina..) l'ascoltatore.
Difficile ricordarsi esattamente il riff di un singolo pezzo, perchè
gli Unsane
continuano a perservare nelle varianti minime della formula che giocano
e rigiocano da oramai un paio di album, senza portarsi al picco del
memorabile, ma tenendo cmq tutto spaventosamente d'effetto. (vedi sotto
per qualche mp3) ![Unsane - Blood Run (release)]()
I was 15yrs old when i saw the Light thanks to that Unsane album covering Singles 89-92 (matador rec '92), - and especially listening over and over to My Right, a pure cathartic fire of Noise, everlasting burning, with a first scream and a distorted solo-guitar able to give me shivers at each play, forever. Pure Shining. Then, some years ago the news of vocalist/guitarist Chris Spencer (brother of more famous John, from Pussy Galore and BluesExplosion and Boss Hog, etc) beaten up by four anti-american dickheads (sorry for my french) in Vienna (and never caught by the police), left half-dead, and then the brief parenthesis with Cutthroats 9. Well, after 7 years since the past record, here They are again: rude, in anger, lost, with passion - and there is not a "normal" daily-life besides the Unsane-thing for these guys: there is a hundred-dates tour and then a recording-session for a new album. Then, touring again. So, You can easily understand why these Tracks are so hopelessly Violent. - After years spent into burning guitars under the holy sun of Noise Music (kinda dense mayem control dear to early Sonic Youth, Distorted Pony Scratch Acid..), probably going on tour with gentlemen like Slayer and Biohazard contributed to focus latest song-writing around a postmetal start-point, a different harshness, with deeper bass-lines and heavy guitars, picking up past memories of earlier experimental rancid style exclusively on a couple of tracks (Make Them Prey, Latch, D Train), drifting all the rest into the visceral, the brutal, head-chopping (ok, this is a refer to an old cover-art) the listener, left destablized. I mean, it's not easy to distinguish the track of each individual song, because Unsane keep on going on circle through the slight variations of Their well known formula since already a couple of albums, without touching the top of memorable, - but it stays that playbacking this album is like a bomb blowing out.
-› mp3s (via Relapse rec)
2. Release
-› samples from Occupational Hazard album (via Piccadilly rec):
. committed
. over me

I was 15yrs old when i saw the Light thanks to that Unsane album covering Singles 89-92 (matador rec '92), - and especially listening over and over to My Right, a pure cathartic fire of Noise, everlasting burning, with a first scream and a distorted solo-guitar able to give me shivers at each play, forever. Pure Shining. Then, some years ago the news of vocalist/guitarist Chris Spencer (brother of more famous John, from Pussy Galore and BluesExplosion and Boss Hog, etc) beaten up by four anti-american dickheads (sorry for my french) in Vienna (and never caught by the police), left half-dead, and then the brief parenthesis with Cutthroats 9. Well, after 7 years since the past record, here They are again: rude, in anger, lost, with passion - and there is not a "normal" daily-life besides the Unsane-thing for these guys: there is a hundred-dates tour and then a recording-session for a new album. Then, touring again. So, You can easily understand why these Tracks are so hopelessly Violent. - After years spent into burning guitars under the holy sun of Noise Music (kinda dense mayem control dear to early Sonic Youth, Distorted Pony Scratch Acid..), probably going on tour with gentlemen like Slayer and Biohazard contributed to focus latest song-writing around a postmetal start-point, a different harshness, with deeper bass-lines and heavy guitars, picking up past memories of earlier experimental rancid style exclusively on a couple of tracks (Make Them Prey, Latch, D Train), drifting all the rest into the visceral, the brutal, head-chopping (ok, this is a refer to an old cover-art) the listener, left destablized. I mean, it's not easy to distinguish the track of each individual song, because Unsane keep on going on circle through the slight variations of Their well known formula since already a couple of albums, without touching the top of memorable, - but it stays that playbacking this album is like a bomb blowing out.
-› mp3s (via Relapse rec)
2. Release
-› samples from Occupational Hazard album (via Piccadilly rec):
. committed
. over me
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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