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Journal RSS journal posts · 2025 · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · {and before that

True Blood

Main title, making of.

by Digital Kitchen

 | pall youhideme
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True Blood is at its 2nd season, and i'm realling digging it.
Besides that, its main title still always captures my attention each time i'm watching it: it is sinister, southern gothic, bizzarre, sensual and fool, - full of fast details becoming clearer each time You see it again, - so, i'm happy to discover that the creatives of Digital Kitchen put on a page focusing the case study, featuring a little of making of. Enjoy it, and don't miss that bloody show.
Ps. while the main title features a song by Jace Everett, entitled Bad Thing, the end of the making of called Featurette sees Radtimesexpress by Jennifer Herrema aka RTX (formerly Royal Trux), from RaTX album (2007, Drag City)

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