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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Gimme gimme some lovin'

 | pall youhideme
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Gimme gimme some lovin -  | Varie
Ok, just in case You didn't notice yet, since a couple of days there is a little heart beating icon at the end of each post: that means that komakino is a romantic creature, it likes long walks under the sunset and poetry readings.. no, maybe it just means that You can click it if You like what You find and read here, anonymously, and a little sing of Your random visit here will mean.. just a little more than nothing. Cool and useful, isn't it?


Se premi il cuore alla fine di ogni post rendi questo mondo migliore. Non è vero, ma almeno lascerei detto anonimamente che Ti è paciuto quello che hai trovato.
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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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