Wright incarna la ruvidezza dell'Amore e Solitudine nelle
Sue Canzoni. Ti fa chiedere come sia possibile tutto ciò.
Oltre all'essere tecnicamente polistrumentista (in questo nuova uscita
alla batteria c'è però Christina
Files, già degli amati Swirlies
e con Mary
Timony), è spiritualmente dotata: - una
viscerale rabbia mista a tristezza cruda, una passione più
alta, che non manca di bruciare per la sua forte voce struggente.
Dal songwriting acustico sad-core dei precedenti Flight Safety
(1999) e Maps of tacit (2ooo), con Dyed
in the Wool (2oo1) e ora Over the sun scopre nuovi modi
di dare carne e suono a quella strana sua aggressività introspettiva
che cova in seno da anni. - Cattura questo spirito nel tocco della
Sua chitarra elettrica (strumento chiave questa volta dell'album),
ruvida nella distorsione e feedback, o carezzando il piano di Throw
a blanket over the sun, che all'improvviso diventa un mare agitato
che chiama la tempesta. Lo stesso dolore che traboccava e urlava su
Maps of tacit e Dyed in the Wool, qui si
concentra + su un tono da cuore spezzato, descrivendo ogni frammento
di esso e la causa. L'album apre con una intro flautata sulla tastiera,
- ma è un breve inganno, perchè subito incalza la chitarra
satura di With closed eyes, o l'abrasiva You'll be the
death, - quindi lo struggente nervosismo di Plea, insieme
a quello di Birds e Portray, che chiudono entrambe
all'apice del pathos bistrattata la sei corde. - Shannon
è genuina Ispirazione.
Shannon Wright embodies the rough soul of Love and Loneliness in Her Songs. She lets You ask Your-self how is that possible. Beside being technically skilled (featuring here Christina Files playing drums, from beloved Swirlies and Mary Timony), She is spiritually too: - an energy coming out from entrails, mixed to a raw sadness, an higher passion, not missing to burn through Her strong moving voice. From acoustic sad-core song-writing of former Flight Safety (1999) and Maps of tacit (2ooo), with Dyed in the Wool (2oo1) and now Over the sun, She shows new ways to give flesh and sound to that her own strange aggression/rage She cradles inside since years. She captures this spirit by touching electric guitar (key instrument in this new album), rough of distortion and feedback, - or else stroking the piano on Throw a blanket over the sun, who becomes suddenly a rough sea calling the storm. The same pain that overflew and screamed through Maps of tacit and Dyed in the Wool, is now focused more on a heart-broken tone, describing each of its fragments and the cause of collapse. The CD opens with a fluted introduction, - but it's a short deception, - because quickly, With closed eyes saturated guitar plays, as well as abrasive You'll be the death, - and then the melancholic nervousness of Plea, together with Birds and Portray, both closing with a pathos at top, beating hard the six strings. - Shannon is pure Inspiration.
Shannon Wright embodies the rough soul of Love and Loneliness in Her Songs. She lets You ask Your-self how is that possible. Beside being technically skilled (featuring here Christina Files playing drums, from beloved Swirlies and Mary Timony), She is spiritually too: - an energy coming out from entrails, mixed to a raw sadness, an higher passion, not missing to burn through Her strong moving voice. From acoustic sad-core song-writing of former Flight Safety (1999) and Maps of tacit (2ooo), with Dyed in the Wool (2oo1) and now Over the sun, She shows new ways to give flesh and sound to that her own strange aggression/rage She cradles inside since years. She captures this spirit by touching electric guitar (key instrument in this new album), rough of distortion and feedback, - or else stroking the piano on Throw a blanket over the sun, who becomes suddenly a rough sea calling the storm. The same pain that overflew and screamed through Maps of tacit and Dyed in the Wool, is now focused more on a heart-broken tone, describing each of its fragments and the cause of collapse. The CD opens with a fluted introduction, - but it's a short deception, - because quickly, With closed eyes saturated guitar plays, as well as abrasive You'll be the death, - and then the melancholic nervousness of Plea, together with Birds and Portray, both closing with a pathos at top, beating hard the six strings. - Shannon is pure Inspiration.
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