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White Silber - A Cold Slow Xmas

(25tx, internet release, free download, 105 minutes, Silber rec, 'o9)

 | pall youhideme
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No sorry, it's not that kind of white Christmas which finds you singing along jingle bells and so on, - although, actually, that's the start point here, à la Frank Capra style, for this free download compilation, compiled by Silber rec.
And, You know what, Brian John Mitchell, running this record label, must think You've really been good this year, because, besides this tasty free sampler (featuring Yellow 6, Charles AtlasLozninger, Carta, Aarktica, Miss Massive Snowflake, just to cite a few), there are also other three MP3 releases for free download in this page.
Coming back to the label roster sampler, the line goes from slowcore to guitar and ambient Music, signals and noises to hypnotize your holidays spent lying on the ground, crushed by a Christmas tree, - from Small Cities' half-country heart-breaking song and Charles Atlas' burning midtempo, to the Xmas heavenly melody by This Quiet Army - ecstatic reverbered guitars -, Zanzibar Snails' enchanting mantra, until Andrew Weathers's peaceful calm-down Autumn Drone, - to end with a revisited version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town, pretty lysergic, by Electric Bird Noise.
Enjoy Xmas with Silber. Ok, Xmas is over, but we're still in the right mood for this.

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 LullabierOpen new window writes:
Grazie per le belle parole! White dizziness è mia, quindi c'è anche un po' di Italia in questa compilation! Auguri (in ritardo) di buon Natale!
(12/01/2010 15:03:00 - ip: 158.11...)
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