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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Polite Sleeper


(11tx CD, 37'08'' - Sabotage rec 'o8)

 | pall youhideme
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From Brooklyn, New York, three piece band, - storyteller style, folk energy mixed with some electronic dust, the Music goes from the whispered lullaby of What Went Wrong, to the frenzy punk attitude of Not A Lover Yet, as well to the explosive lovely ballad entitled Alright, Alright. Acoustic guitar eclectism, emotional lyricsm, - think of Bright Eyes, Owen, Kevin Devine, - likely to this kind of people, it seems to me Polite Sleeper could turn the stage on fire: They know how to balance acts of sing-along country poetry (Up The Punks) to passionate perspectives of desperation. You can't say that will sound new to Your ears, yet it stays a honest punch in the stomach, and a song as Gin + Duct Tape would set a whatever pub into a ferocious riot of broken hearts armed with beers.
Polite Sleeper - Seens (11tx CD, 37'08'' - Sabotage rec 'o8) - Da Brooklyn, New York, tre ragazzi, - stile da racconta storie, energia folk mixata con della polvere elettronica, - la Musca va dalla lullaby sussurrata di What Went Wrong, all'attitudine punk di Not A Lover Yet, come anche all'esplosiva amabile ballata a titolo Alright, Alright. Eclettismo da chitarra acustica, lirismo emozionale, - pensate a Bright Eyes, Owen, Kevin Devine, - similarmente a questa gente i Polite Sleeper potrebbero mettere in fiamme il palco: sanno come bilanciare atti di poesia country da canto corale (Up The Punks) a passionate prospettive della disperazione. Magari le Loro soluzioni non Vi suoneranno nuove, ma il tutto rimane ugualmente un onesto pugno nello stomaco, e una canzone come Gin + Duct Tape fomenterebbe un qualsiasi pub in una feroce rivolta di cuori spezzati armati di birra.
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