Loro sono di casa alla Clairecords,
Li seguo da un paio d'anni oramai (grazie a mp3.com),
ma solo qlc settimana fa mi sono accaparrato questo Loro cd in
un negozio
di roma. - Toni evocativi, gentili ed eterei, 1o tracce che
e tremano di malinconia, tre o quattro arpeggi in tutto su cui
capaci di costruire un proprio stile originale, tenendo
sospeso x aria
il cantato di Laura Poinsette, - e gli sporadici
interventi inudibili
di una voce maschile; Shane Mclaughling alla gtr
insieme a Brad
Richardson tra il noise_post-shoegaze e scie 8o's, + una
keyb e
drum machine. Autopilot precipita nel finale in un
vuoto poetico
e infelice, nella bellezza, - vale il cd intero insieme a Half
Half Circle; Traces (puoi scaricare queste due trx
dal sito),
il pezzo che chiude, è quello che segna una differenza
i precedenti 9, per il cantato di Lei, molto + morbido e
sottile. Consigliati:
invernali, notturni.
They are based at Clairecords, - i came into Their Music since a couple of years ago, thanks to mp3.com, - but i bought This album of Them only past week, in a record store in rome. - Evocative tones, gentle and ethereal, 1o tracks swinging and trembling of melancholy, - three or four special chords to build a particular own style, - keeping hang-out Laura Poinsette's sung, and rare and almost impossible to distinguish a male voice, - Shane Mclaughling playing gtr together with Brad Richardson between noise_post-shoegaze and 8o's sparkles, + a keyb and drum machine programming. Autopilot falls down in a poetic as sad void of fragile beauty, worth the cd purchase, together with Half Man Half Circle... Traces, the final song, is the different one respect others, maybe because of sweeter and more subtile style of Her kind voice, - extremely dreamy and inspiring.
They are based at Clairecords, - i came into Their Music since a couple of years ago, thanks to mp3.com, - but i bought This album of Them only past week, in a record store in rome. - Evocative tones, gentle and ethereal, 1o tracks swinging and trembling of melancholy, - three or four special chords to build a particular own style, - keeping hang-out Laura Poinsette's sung, and rare and almost impossible to distinguish a male voice, - Shane Mclaughling playing gtr together with Brad Richardson between noise_post-shoegaze and 8o's sparkles, + a keyb and drum machine programming. Autopilot falls down in a poetic as sad void of fragile beauty, worth the cd purchase, together with Half Man Half Circle... Traces, the final song, is the different one respect others, maybe because of sweeter and more subtile style of Her kind voice, - extremely dreamy and inspiring.
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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