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that song

 | pall youhideme
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Komakino - that song | Varie
This is the hour when the mysteries emerge
A strangeness so hard to reflect
A moment so moving goes straight to your heart
The vision that's never been met
The attraction is held like a weight deep inside
Something I'll never forget
The pattern is set, the reaction will start
Complete but rejected too soon
Looking ahead in the grip of each tear
Recalls the life that we knew
The shadow that stood by the side of the road
Always reminds me of you
How can I find the right way to control
All the conflicts inside, all the problems beside
As the questions arise, and the answers don't fit
Into my way of things, into my way of things
komakino «- «-
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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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