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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Ultra Orange


video, youtube

 | pall youhideme
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It was the end of 90s when i bought a tape from Smartz' mailorder, - it was a s/t by Ultra Orange, a german band, sort of a goth-rock band turnt indie and noise punk, - and I was really into a song of Theirs, - called Ride (Ex-tune rec), - and one of its lyrics, in particular, - when the girl sings 'invisible you | invisible me', - it got stucked into my head for years..
Anyway, it was pretty frustrating, because i couldn't find any info from the spartan sheet note on the tape, - and none of my friends knew them, - we weren't yet in the magic world of internet, - so, this Band has been (and actually, they're still) a mistery for me.
Now, - endless thanks to Lele of Smartz rec for sending me this link to their video found on Youtube, - it's totally bizzarre what can pop up from the u-tube nowadays!

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