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Keira Rathbone

Typewriter Art

Yes, but can you type?

 | pall youhideme
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Ms. Rathbone is a young girl with a gift.
She uses vintage typewriters to create her pieces of art.
Truly obsessive and visionary, if you allow me that.
I just wonder if she is a touch typing or less, I mean, I watched some of her videos, She's kinda natural born talented, hammering away on the typewriter letters.. I used for years my old one when I was a kid, I wish I had her same flash of inspiration during the years.. Some people are simply able to look beyond the average.
An article on Telegraph, here.
Nice vid by Peter T. Breen, below.

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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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