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Dromoscope Fest

Live @ ESC, Roma, 14/01/2011

Farmacia901 + Minus Habens + Mothlab + Sashimee rec

 | pall youhideme
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Interesting sound parade showing up the combination of micro electronic music and visual geometry, - introduced as applied electronic syncretism: italian underground labels Farmacia901 + Minus Habens + Mothlab + Sashimee rec gave room in Rome, at Esc atelier, to their binary imaginery and records, loaded with drone and glitch ambients, mashup and artificially-concrete music.
From Fabio Perletta's Ře, - trascendental and breezy architectures, beatless, celestial humming, - to Kaeba's hop-shamanism and rhythmical elegance (Gianclaudio Hashem Moniri also perfomed behind Plaster monicker), until the deconstructed synthetized patterns of MidiD'unFaune and many others.
It looked like Apple's keynote, but it often sounded like a cold soundtrack for an isolationist trip to the outer space, before leaving the sonicsphere, where Asimov is the real rockstar.
Unfortunately I arrived too late to catch Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović, guest to the shoecase for Reff book.

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