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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Peter Kernel

The Ticket, Africa, tour 2010

smiling smiling, you're smiling on my grave

 | pall youhideme
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1. Peter Kernel posted a free download mp3 of Africa from their last vinyl EP, The Ticket (2009)

2. It's never too late: I just come from buying the above mentioned vinyl, because Peter Kernel are fucking AWESOME, and this month I didn't buy any record yet. One record a month, not more, my word.
3. Peter Kernel also posted a footage from their last european tour supporting Wolf Parade, - their live version of Smiling is great, I long to see them live some day soon. Enjoy.

4. Il pomeriggio non si sa mai bene cosa fare, but Peter Kernel actually does it.

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