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Fender Jazzmaster / Bass VI Doubleneck

Custom made Dennis Galuszka

Siamese twin

 | pall youhideme
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"Einzelstück, gebaut für die Frankfurter Musikmesse 2010 vom Masterbuilder Dennis Galuszka! // Single piece, built for the Frankfurt Music Fair 2010 by Master Builder Dennis Galuszka!", on sale on Ebay.

I feel there's something wrong in this. I love Jazzmasters, and it's ages I wish I can afford to buy a Bass VI.. but this is so wrong.. what the fuck, this is not crap for Jimmy Page or The Eagles, .. and just if You were asking, bids start from EUR 7.499,00.. holy shit, what's wrong with you, Dennis?

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not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.

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