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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Be Forest

Hanged Man

two new tracks, one official video out

 | pall youhideme
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"We're delighted to premiere the video (directed by Lorenzo Musto and Erica Terenzi) for 'Hanged Man', a brand new song by Pesaro's new-wave outfit Be Forest.

‘Hanged Man' is included in their homonymous new digital release (out today), which is a great follow up to last year's much appreciated album Cold. You can stream both the tracks featured on the single over below (b-side is called ‘I.O.'),

Buy 'Hanged Man' heading by heading to We Were Never Being Boring collective's bandcamp."

I love this Band, - for sure, - one of my favorites so far since last year. And this new track is simply seductively gorgeous.

Two new songs, Hanged Man (also video) and I.O.. Enjoy. You'll do.

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