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Porcelain Raft

Live Roma, Circolo degli Artisti, 22/03/2012

 | pall youhideme
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After signing for Secretly Canadian, Mauro Remiddi, aka Porcelain Raft, finally comes back in Italy for some gigs to promote his latest release Strange Weekend, actually, his first solo debut on label.
And I couldn't miss his show in (his hometown!) Rome again (formerly, he was here touring Italy with Blonde Redhead). Plus, not for nothing, folks, - it was a free show, thank you Circolo degli Artisti. And it looks like Porcelain Raft has got a solid small fanbase downere.
In two on stage, he was supported by Michael Wallace on live drums and synth, while Mauro been switching from loopstation and wires to his Danelectro: spacey/ambient dreampop with a slight lo-fi feeling, his vocals are utterly lyrical, all of much gusto, no wonder he was recently the perfect match for supporting M83 in Europe in last months. He's able of a certain bitter mysticism even when he sings of a receptionist (Dragonfly). Tracks such as Is It Too Deep for You?, Unless you speak from your heart, Shapeless & Gone: simply beautiful. The final bathing in reverb and effects of Put me to sleep, - gorgeous.
After the show I jumped to buy Strange Weekend, and so you should.

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