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Belong to you

(4tx EP, 15'52'' - Foolica rec 2012)

 | pall youhideme
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Higly enjoyable, sort of LCD Soundsystem vs Mahjongg, in a way less dense and complicated, still, with high dance friendly hooks (EP's titletrack).
Indie electro-club vibe tracks, modern 70s, instant groove, loaded with soft guitars and emphatic vocal falsetto, house beats: latest Did's release, produced by Sal P of Liquid Liquid, goes smooth and sensual, spanning from the ethno-funkwave of Voci Pazze to Common place's nostalgic downtempo, while, the time for romance is left to Group Bombino. 
And all sounds cleverly pleasurable.
Pretty curious to here if they will be able to feed this groove on and make a big thing with a next full-length album.

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