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Jessica Bailiff & Annelies Monseré

Collaboration EP

 | pall youhideme
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Jessica Bailiff & Annelies MonseréI still remember with pleasure when Jessica Bailiff + Annelies Monseré performed live in Rome later in 2006 [see/leggi past live-rep]; finally Morc rec is going to release a collaboration EP, recorded during fall 2007: 'although it's just the two of them, this ep has a very built-up sound, which is reminiscent of Jessica's earliest output and Annelies' most recent live shows. Vocals, guitars and cello- and keyboard drones get a very prominent role on these recordings, which were made entirely in the analog domain. The ep is limited to 310, and comes in a mini-lp jacket. All copies are hand-numbered and have handwritten linernotes by Annelies.'.
I just come from preordering my own copy, - then, it's 309 left.
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