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First reunion gig in London

May 18th, 2014 surprise healdiner at the 10th birthday of Sonic Cathedral rec

 | pall youhideme
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Originally palnned to make their first reunion show at London's Village Underground on May 19th, Slowdive was surprise headliners for Sonic Cathedral's 10 years fest, featuring Ulrich Schnauss, Mark Gardener (who's next to make a reunion, pal?), Andrew Weatherall
May I say I was pretty sure Slowdive were going to play a secret show there? 
Anyway, the whole setlist is fucking awesome, I totally dig it, featuring a 'reloaded' version of Crazy For You, also, maybe, like it was supposed to be in Pygmalion, they only know that. 
The whole show is available on youtube, from this first start, their eponymous song.. 
I can't wait to finally see them in Padova next July!

Below, the whole set, for your ears (not eyes) only.

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 pallOpen new window writes:
and that's where I remembered I saw Neil wearing that Stooges' tshirt... :D

(20/05/2014 15:35:00 - ip: 89.97....)
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