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Burnt Palms

The girl you know

(11tx 12'' vinyl LP, We were never being boring 2014)

 | pall youhideme
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That's a sort of instant review, it is less than two days I am listening to this record.
Okay, some good news from WWBB collective: Burnt Palms.
Two girls, one boy, young people, fuzzed garage pop galore, dreamy girl vocals. Bittersweet honey.
California based, sort of lo-fi delicacy à la Black Tambourine, or The Aislers Set / Henry's Dress, unsaturated, still, gently twee-punk. 
That kind of freaking freshness which wants you make you dance (Yours tonight), lovely fast tunes with lots of pop hooks (the buzzing of Isolation, the midtempo sinking of Surface).
Second LP release for Burnt Palms, the perfect kind of sound you want to play in your car during a Summer trip, fuzzed-out lo-fi melodies, powered with reverb. Never boring, as label says.

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