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(6tx CD, 51'' - self-prod. 2014)

 | pall youhideme
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The best thing about DIY releases is that you can really satisfy your fetish-need for the special editions. And §omnium really made something unique: a shell-shaped box, hand made with sand and paper. 
A special packaging indeed, limited edition of 25 pieces. I'm the lucky owner of #16. 
Inside you find CD and polaroids. And good Music, glacial, gloomy Music. Instrumental soundscapes, wait, sea-scapes, actually, opiate as well as textures and layers fed with liquid reverb, delay pedals, and unorthodox, reverberant percussions. 
Pun for melancholy and seas (in italian, malinconia and mari), the two piece - in art - Ky and Calliope, respectively to guitar, bass, additional instruments, haunting vocals, and then percussions and artwork/graphics, they handle the esoteric science of oneirism, dark atmospheric drone tunes, a gelid calm (Levante), the kind of calm and desolation you can think of finding into the deepest ocean (the two suites of Silla); Aurumaris points straight to subconscious. It's up to you, decide if these tracks are vehicles to alienate yourself or get in touch with a higher nature. The comforting chill of a melodious introspection. To be listened with headphones. 
A missing piece from 80's 4AD or Projekt rec's catalogue.
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