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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Lonesome Leash

One Foot in Front of the Other

(5tx CD, 26'' - self-prod. 2013)

 | pall youhideme
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Differently from I am no captain, this follow up EP takes a hellish path, winding and burning, a dance with the devil, to the fast tempo of a kicking drum machine (Dead, This TimeRoad) and distorted accordion. 
And McClements' voice is that passionate, more than before: plus, let's not forget Lonesome Leash is a one-man band, - because that's right what I forgot while I was listening for the first time to this disc. So, his powerful transport is similar to a rapture-in-sound, I like to think.
Road is a flaming ride through the storm of a daze, painful and grave, a sort of revisitation of Suicide's Ghost Rider: eerie reverb/delay on his vocals, an obsessive riff recurring, - his aching and fuzzing accordion turns into a punk element, just like the synthesizer for Martin Rev. And later, the instrumental outro won't heal the wounds of previous four fierce pieces. Time to press play.

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