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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Julia Kent


(10tx, 40'' - The Leaf rec 2013)

 | pall youhideme
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Cello, cello, cello galore, immersive, mournful, experimental and contaminated (Kingdom, Flicker), gloomy, dramatic, cyclic, multilayered over a loop station, delay, reverb, a light heart beat from a drum machine and some never intrusive electronics. 
Massively elegant (Salute), and meditative (Fall). Something such so beautiful, calmed down and elegiac.
Julia Kent, at her third full length record, knows exactly how to weave sensuality and melody together, through the twirling and mesmeric tunes (Transportation) of her cello. 
Never boring, fully inspiring, she blends classic and contemporary, always poignantly rendered (Only Child). I recommend to listen to her Music with headphones, - that's an experience.

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