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Exclusive design bag? just look for a TIR.

First we have to find used truck tarps

 | pall youhideme
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That wouldn't be exactly my first thought for recycling, - but that's a great idea for sure!
Swiss team of F-factory make unique bags: They "call trucking companies up and down Europe, so when they update their fleet, we can buy them out. The more colorful, the better".
- Then They cut whales (whales?) of truck tarps, wash everything in their "XXXL washing machines", then cut, arrange, clip, and You have an exclusive bag!

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 Silvia writes:
very expensive but very cute ;) and if you buy a bag you can even build your own telly with the cardboard box...
(14/01/2009 15:24:00 - ip: 158.10...)
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