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The Believer

(9tx tape cassette/digital, Handwriting rec 2015)

 | pall youhideme
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The true believer in this release is the record label itself. Because Handwriting records never stopped believing in Paolo Thomas Strudthoff, aka Hoff, even after he abandoned his ordinary life (and his extraordinary talent with this  fuzzed-out/shoegaze ambient Music), to join a religious cult and end going around to spread the word of God. Wearing a tunic. No kidding. A Sudden Recall indeed. Jesus, save us from your followers. 
Anyway.  Handwriting records also still believes in Tape Cassette, that is, the chosen format as hardcopy of The Believer (a very limited edition of a few pieces), second chapter of this holy book of ecstatic drone/bliss-out electronic Music, since Hoff's debut in 2012.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Strudthoff, this little jewel of nine tracks is a grandiose, powerful trance-inducing soundtrack, filled with synths, multilayererd electric guitars, - an ecstatic Impermanence, where the abstraction of melodies is prepared with massive chemicals of tremolo, reverbs, and delay efx. There's also room for the gentle bitterness of an Autumn promenade with Piano DrippingFrederick, slightly differently, blends ambients with concrete sounds, almost frightening in its poignant aesthetics: it simply goes monumental. 
The last track, Textural Air, is one last step before Hoff's mysticism for holy took a different path. 
Put one dollar in the box, and get the cassette/digital. Bless you.

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