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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Mai Mai Mai


(6tx vinyl LP/k7, 38'38'' - Boring Machines / Not Not Fun rec 2016)

 | pall youhideme
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Toni Cutrone's Mai Mai Mai is back with a third LP release, follow-up to Theta in 2013 and Δέλτα (Delta) in 2014: a psychically obscure, killer vibe, almost 40 mins long, dosing wisely drone and ambient Music, alternating percussive beats, provided by Lino Capra Vaccina (AktualaLino Capra Vaccina EnsembleTelaio Magnetico), and let's not forget Cutrone was born as a kick-ass drummer for noise makers Hiroshima Rocks Around, so, disturbed/distorted fuzz buzz is served on a silver platter.  If you are from Rome, and you catched something about its indie niche, you cannot but loving this guy, from his own venue (Dal Verme) to his several bands and projects (Thalassa fest). Someone able to make a difference in town, and not only. And again, with an exquisite taste in making Music.
Once again, Boring Machines and Cutrone put their flag on the top of a black mountain, - an iceberg top, - no, wait, - something more elitist and mysterious, and at once subversive: on the top of a temple ruin, just like the cover artwork. 
Psychedelic in his own way, subtly melodic when calming down (βάκχοις / Bakkois), maniacally sciamanic and percussive (λήναις / Lenais), utterly hypnotic, it makes you want to tear off clothes, wear a tunic, and join Cutrone's paganism. A perfect companion for reading, losing yourself, and finding your-very-self again.

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