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(4tx 12'' vinyl/DGTL - Foul-Up rec 2016)

 | pall youhideme
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Nicolai Vesterkær Krog, aka Misantrop, debuts with a vinyl release - Limerence EP - and with his own record label, Foul-Up
Time for a false chill-out start, through foggy beats and mild techno, dancing over a hum of insightful music ambients (No. 3). Differently, Nocturnal Emission goes resiliently dub and electric, with the guitar solo narrative of  Jon Marius Brogaard Aeppli, almost psychedelic and retro. EP's title track Limerence blends club mood with electro-downbeat effervescence, always running over the boundary of minimal and short phrasing. Final piece, They Don't Know, rocks up the pace with more twisted patterns of hypnotic loops, swinging between dreamy and maniacal.

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