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Gerda / Lleroy

VolumOrama 4

(2tx 7 inches, Bloody Sound Fucktory rec 2017)

 | pall youhideme
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One killing split 7'' vinyl: the first track beats you like a Vipera, the latter will finish you with a Siluro (translated, a torpedo). There is no optimism, only bitterness. Ferocity. Nihilism. Selected with finest taste by indie Bloody Sound Fucktory records, for their VolumOrama series.
Side A sees Gerda, with the obsessive pace of distortion and distress, post-hc mayem, it's a vipers-tornado. The sun won't shine anymore with this track on loop. Gerda are masters of sonic anger. Side B is for Lleroy, and the percussive heartbeat goes from being endless-frenetic to wartime belligerent: rancid male vocals, guitars propelled by wild fuzz pedals. Everything plays restless and smooth.
Two Italian bands making of noise-core their best. Two faces of tsunami. It's like when someone asks you ' face or stomach'?

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