Joseph Beuys vs. TV [found via PATAsign]
- By posting this video You might:
.1 think that komakino is such so cool for posting a such so strange/odd conceptual video;
.2 totally waste your time, especially if You think things will make sense in this Beuys' work;
.3 surrend to curiosity and waste a little bit less of Your time if You held the FFWD button down, and enjoy this experimental oddity.
- By posting this video You might:
.1 think that komakino is such so cool for posting a such so strange/odd conceptual video;
.2 totally waste your time, especially if You think things will make sense in this Beuys' work;
.3 surrend to curiosity and waste a little bit less of Your time if You held the FFWD button down, and enjoy this experimental oddity.
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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