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Journal RSS journal posts · 2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · {and before that

Bowery Electric


(1otx cd, 62'32" - beggars banquet 'o0)

 | pall youhideme
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There's no doubt that when Bowery Electric (nyc) started Their sound adventure in early 9o's deeply They were influenced by the blowing-up shoegaze tsunami of Loveless and/or Slowdive, - although duo Lawrence Chandler and Martha Schwendener marked upfront Their own personality and potential, played on guitar driven droning tunes, long instrumetnal breath-takes, impercetible boy/girl vocals, indolent drum beats initially sampled by laptops or later performed by Wayne Magruder. - With latest chapter in Their hallucinogenic discography, Lushlife, again back in two - Bowery Electric produced that kind of album that close-minded die-hard fans usually finger. Bowery Electric evolved and embraced downtempo and downcast trip-hop, ok the drone is gone, but that's the more natural mature step They could do, - the best soundtrack You can dream of for a night promenade along a desert city in autumn - just like its album cover art pictures. - Now it's only Schwendener at vocals here, lethargic, ethereal and with a one-way lonely drift, - guitars play a minimal background role if in comparison with previous sound/trance research, - now assignmet for synth and programming (hear how Psalms of Survival start illuses You), - ambient textures, slow BPM, vinyl scratches, groovy bass lines, jazzy beat. - Track Floating World is pure haunting morphine, sexy and mournful, - the looong 18mins Passages is a perfect balance of space and motion, - bass-driven Saved is nearly specular with titletrack Lushlife, like two points of view of the same story. - This album is a mesemering frontier for atmospheric Music, - it's like a mysterious coordinate between new-age / stargaze Ulrich Schnauss and Portishead's less trendy and patinée production.

ƒmp3s (via built on a weak spot):
.o1. Floating World
.o9. Deep Blue
More sample mp3s from early records @ bonaws or brainwashed.
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