Apro quel carillon che ha disegnato tutta una storia sui bordi, con
belle fatine islandesi, con notti lunghe sei mesi e albe infinite, e
parte la lunga filastrocca di Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy.
Sono canzoni come favole scritte nell'ottocento, che in certi passaggi
fanno ancora paura e che finiscono in una sfera con la neve finta da
agitare, come Winter, una bella colonna sonora alla Danny Elfman. Dancing Behind My Eyelids ha un intro alla Air delle Vergini Suicide,
per poi riattraversare l'atlantico e ritornare, dopo qualche assaggio
di suoni europei sparsi qui e là nel disco, nella trama di Nói Albinói. Questo è, forse, l'album meno elettronico dei Múm,
c'è una particolare ricercatezza onirica ottenuta con quegli strumenti
reali che anche noi, al di qua del loro personale magico bosco,
conosciamo. E, ascoltando They Made Frogs Smoke 'Til They Exploded,
anche ora che le gemelline Valtýsdóttir non suonano più insieme, sembra
che Gyða continui a cantare alla sorella, prima di addormentarsi,
piccole storie che si è inventata sul momento. E sono le canzoni che
vorresti ancora sentire al tuo risveglio, per aprire gli occhi e
sorridere da sotto il cuscino. E quindi ora Rhuubarbidoo diventerà
la mia sveglia. Non so se funzionerà, nel caso lasciatemi dormire
ancora un po', almeno finchè non finisce la canzone. - Music @ myspace/mumtheband.
Found myself opening that carillon whose sides are full of drawings of beautiful icelandic fairies, 6 months long nights and everlasting dawns, and then it goes Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy's long lullaby. These songs are like fairytales written in '800, and along some passages somehow they are still scary and end up in a boule de neige with fake snow to shake, like Winter, a beautiful music score à la Danny Elfman. Dancing Behind My Eyelids has got an intro à la Air of The Virgine Suicides, to let You cross the Atlantic and return, after some sip of european sounds, jumbled here and there along the album, - like in Nói Albinói's storyline. Maybe for Múm, Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy is musically less electronic than previous releases, - there's a particular oneiric attentive research, obtained through those real instruments that even us, - from our side beyond their magical personal wood, - we know well. And, listening to They Made Frogs Smoke 'Til They Exploded, even now that Valtýsdóttir twins do not make music together anymore, it looks like Gyða is still singing improvised little stories to Her sister before She falls asleep. - And those are the stories you'd love to hear again as you wake up, to open your eyes and smile from under the pillow. And that's why now Rhuubarbidoo is going next to be my reveille. I don't know yet if it'll work, - in that case let me sleep some more, at least wait 'till the song is over. - Music @ myspace/mumtheband.
Found myself opening that carillon whose sides are full of drawings of beautiful icelandic fairies, 6 months long nights and everlasting dawns, and then it goes Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy's long lullaby. These songs are like fairytales written in '800, and along some passages somehow they are still scary and end up in a boule de neige with fake snow to shake, like Winter, a beautiful music score à la Danny Elfman. Dancing Behind My Eyelids has got an intro à la Air of The Virgine Suicides, to let You cross the Atlantic and return, after some sip of european sounds, jumbled here and there along the album, - like in Nói Albinói's storyline. Maybe for Múm, Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy is musically less electronic than previous releases, - there's a particular oneiric attentive research, obtained through those real instruments that even us, - from our side beyond their magical personal wood, - we know well. And, listening to They Made Frogs Smoke 'Til They Exploded, even now that Valtýsdóttir twins do not make music together anymore, it looks like Gyða is still singing improvised little stories to Her sister before She falls asleep. - And those are the stories you'd love to hear again as you wake up, to open your eyes and smile from under the pillow. And that's why now Rhuubarbidoo is going next to be my reveille. I don't know yet if it'll work, - in that case let me sleep some more, at least wait 'till the song is over. - Music @ myspace/mumtheband.
not yet, probably nobody cares, or nobody cared enough to tell something. Also: nobody reads komakino.
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