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Smack Bunny Baby

(11tx cd, 36'o7" - Grass rec '93)

 | pall youhideme
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Better late than ever, - btw, i come from buying this (used) CD at ebay for like 3 euros (what a shame!), - and it's still a bright jewel after years, - Brainiac were, actually are fantastic, i couldn't but writing a couple of lines for this amazing Smack Bunny Baby, album debut released in '93, when i was like 15yrs old, - i didn't hear anything of Their existence until Electro-Shock For President in '97, that a friend of mine passed me on a cassette tape, right the month Tim Taylor (Vox/Moog/Guitar/Mayhem) died in a car accident. - Well, Brainiac trascended Devo's dementia, Girls Against Boys and Pixies, Their Music, guitar and electronic/moog driven, is a crazy crisis of punk and mess. Smack Bunny Baby is not THE Brainiac's album (probably Hissing Prigs in Static Couture - 1996 - it is), genius John Schmersal didn't join the Band yet, anyhow it's a perfect balance of fury (Ride, title track) and weird melodies (Martian Dance Invasion, Draag), fractured vocals, energy mixed with no-wave craziness.. totally fucked-up, musically spastic.. Brainiac was really one of best Bands of the 90s. - Details: notes say thanks to Girls Against Boys, Breeders, Bratmobile ^_^.., and Bands members are credited as a., b., c., d.. - More @ myspace/brainiacfanpage

.o3. Smack Bunny Baby
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