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Lp cover lover


 | pall youhideme
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Bill Evans - cover photo by FrissellMaybe that's the greatest vynils album covers archive over the net: Lp cover lover is totally impressive in its contents, - it ranges from incredibly strange music (like Jimmy & Beula, with moustaches Jimmy handling a jazzmaster.., or this bizzarre couple) to a large variety of jazz classics (Satchmo.., or the excellent cover photo for Bill Evans by Tony Frissell) as well as covers of undoubtful taste (Zwarte Lola on top?) . - Other beautiful views: the happiest man in the world, almost kkk brazilian carnaval, irv and the family clones (7th Heaven likes?) - and, a lucky handsome man with two of sexiest girls ever seen before. - Ah, ps. do not miss the ones tagged sex, especially in reason of SEX How Parents Should Instruct Their Children (i don't want to know why the blonde young guy keeps an hand in a pocket with absent look).
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