The Melvins with David Yow
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live)Can you do me a favour? take me back to Aberdeen
A flaming performance of Melvins and David Yow of Smells Like Teen Spirit.I did not know this ever happened until I heard about it on KEXP [...]
24/01/2025 10:21:15
Screamo phonetic alphabetA chat with Volta
Short songs like splinters, propellered screamo and emo violence, Volta are a four piece from northern Italy, a pure oxygen [...]
05/07/2017 11:24:37
See also:
what color should be the record we doA chat with Stefano Venturini
Werner are one of my favorite Bands from Italy. Before them, Ka Mate Ka Ora, which Stefano Venturini, - vocals and guitars there and now here -, used [...]
07/06/2017 10:50:16
Diego Caponera
Due chiacchiere con l'autore,
Ne è uscita una bella chiacchierata.Un annetto fa avevo trovato il sito web, giusto provando se qualcuno l'avesse reclamato quel [...]
16/05/2017 09:30:14
A short talking with Thomas WerbrouckAn album full of Bobs
So, I could not but talk with Thomas Werbrouck about his new solo project, Krankland, since I'm a big fan of his Little Trouble [...]
14/06/2016 10:57:50
Panacca SonicaRicapitolando con Alessandro Viccaro.
È probabile che abbiamo cominciato a impiastrare le nostre prime fanzine cartacee proprio quando Prague finiva di comporre il suo esordio [...]
13/01/2016 17:19:30
How recording sessions turn into exposing seasA chat with Anna, Rachel and Casey.
Finally at their third record with Exposing Seas (on limited pink vinyl, CD and digital, release due to 9/18), Thrushes deliver a new [...]
01/09/2015 11:50:58
la condanna poteva essere molto più severa
Proprio nell’Aprile di trentanove anni fa, un concerto di Francesco De Gregori al Palalido di Milano fu ripetutamente volte interrotto [...]
22/05/2015 14:36:30
Una charla agradable con Guille..a soya milkshake with monster, redbull, ...and human blood.
You know, it's a three or more months ago I started learning spanish. I mean, and I'm having fun with it, but, wait, I'm not yet exactly able to have [...]
11/02/2015 15:42:20
See also:
Friends of Alice Ivy
Friends of P. B. ShelleyMore chatting with Amps and Kylie
Oh dear, it is five years since I interviewed this beautiful couple the first time. Tempus fugit. Yet, to me, it's just yesterday. And maybe, here [...]
18/11/2014 11:38:27
The Emerald Leaves
Send peaceAn interview with Andrea Giommi
Andrea Giommi, with all his music projects, has been often under our radar; lately, seen the debut of his brilliant The Emerald Leaves, I could [...]
17/10/2014 11:37:31
Little Trouble Kids
Thomas and Elinegave the spellbound audience a good soaking
Again, think Gowns and Peter Kernel, add some post-punk voodoo, and maybe you'll get the chemicals behind Little Trouble Kids' music: definitely [...]
01/08/2014 01:23:45
Fabio Viola
Daydream nationSollevante è Sparire?
Ieri ha preso il via alla Basilica di Massenzio a Roma, il Festival delle Letterature.Lo scrittore romano Fabio Viola non farà parte del prestigioso [...]
12/06/2013 10:55:30
Crown Estate
Julie D Rumsey and Sacha Galvagnafrom Rosa Mota on
As written some posts ago, Sacha Galvagna and Julie Denise Rumsey - originally from our beloved Rosa Mota - are teaming back together [...]
24/01/2013 09:13:31
See also:
Still Leven
Still goodInterview with.. some of them
Still Leven - No Moleskin by winterlongpr Still Leven- I remember I met some of them one life ago, near Genoa, during a music festival. They [...]
01/09/2012 06:17:26
Belleville Comics
Fumetteria TorineseKomakino consiglia
Ci sono un sacco di cose migliori del doversi far staccare stalattiti di ghiaccio da sotto la punta del naso.Leggere fumetti per esempio. Ammetto con [...]
17/02/2012 10:38:29
See also: